Monday, April 17, 2006

If It's Monday, Then It's Time For Tempest In A Teapot

Gossip Banned In Some N.C. Liquor Stores

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. -- A couple of chatty employees have earned a ban on gossiping for all 64 people who work at county-operated liquor stores.
Gene Webb, general manager of the Cumberland County Alcoholic Beverage Control system, issued an order that bans gossip and threatens to fire anyone who spreads rumors on the job.
"It's really a problem with one or two employees," he said Tuesday, declining to specify what prompted the rule. Employees were required to sign a statement outlining the rule.
Webb said he expects the rule will boost morale and productivity in the long run. He said though no one has been disciplined for violating the policy, which was issued in February, it's already reduced gossip.
Now, silly ol' me used to think that the government couldn't do things like this. Private industry, well sure, work for Wal-Mart and they'll tell you how and when to think and what is acceptable speech, but a local government banning otherwise harmless gossip is flat out beyond the pale. And don't start with me that it's North Carolina and nobody would, or should care. 8 million people live in NC, and that's nearly as many as NYC, so somebody should be sticking up for their rights.

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