Thursday, April 13, 2006

Public Service For The Sick, Lame, And Lazy...

Since H-bomb of Anklebiting Pundits has difficulty understanding the difference between the real world and Neverland, we present the following with the hope that even he will eventually come to grips with reality:

"...Because we didn’t know how it was done, we attributed it to God. The more we learn what happens naturally, the less there is for God to do. Our species has gone from our cave-dwelling ancestors attributing everything to a Deity to now, only putting Him in charge of a few, ever-decreasing number of things." Michael Shermer of

Newton, Galileo, Da Vinci, giants all, and each with one thing in common. They made lots of errors. In striving mightily to placate an angry Church, they pronounced natural phenomena to be the work of a deity and subsequent studies have shown these speculations to be the farthest thing from even the realm of possibility. Science gets things wrong, and science eventually corrects itself. When NASA screws up a mission to Mars they don't email the Pope for help, they hunker down to determine how to correct their mistake. The help comes from other scientists, not theologians. None of this proves or disproves the existence of a deity or deities, just that the examples Intelligent Designers use to "prove" that their particular deity exists are childlike ramblings compared to genuine studies.

Men have nipples and an appendix. Neither work, have any reason to be there, and among many, many other things, are proof positive of the trial and error approach to explaining our existance.

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