Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bigger Is Better

The "shotshell" pictured is a 730 grain hardcast lead slug that'll make it's exit at 2700 fps. This would drop any grizley stone dead, but for African elephant the fellow working on this particular gem is thinking along the lines of a 2000 grain solid @ 1800 fps or thereabouts. For smaller game such as Cape Buffalo, he's worked out a 327 grain Barnes expander to scoot at 3900 fps.

The gun is a modified Savage 210 bolt action; still a shotgun, and no matter what size shot you fire from one, is perfectly legal. The RBG (REALLY BIG GAME) boys like to fiddle with rolling their own because a Holland & Holland Double for example, is going for around $50K. In case your wondering (groan), the cases are reworked bmg cases. The finished product weighs 25 lbs, enough to dampen recoil somewhat.

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