Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Yesterday I treated my granddaughter to a Happy Meal from McDonald's. Imagine my dismay when the toy for my young child was a gun! Is this truly the message that we want to give to our young children? You can be assured this is not something that I will do again. In this day and age, with all of the violence we have surrounding us, I would like to think we should be promoting a more positive environment.

Laura Clement



First of all, even soccer-grandmoms can't get away with using "this day and age" without revealing the lack of anything above a 4th grade education, or worse yet, a public school one, so who should pay any attention to what an illiterate has to say. Second off, yes indeed, it IS a message we should be sending to our children because the Founding Fathers thought so, and Thirdly, even in this day and age blaming an inanimate object is considered to be really really dumbass. Especially when it's a TOY.

And PS: McDonalds certainly DID NOT include a toy gun in any Happy Meal so she's full of it. Mz Public School needs to do a lot better than that to fool anyone whose soul does not reside in Rio Linda.

Thanks to The War on Guns.

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