Saturday, May 05, 2007

Commissioner Stern criticizes study, New York Times

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) - NBA commissioner David Stern criticized a study regarding racial bias among league officials and the New York Times for printing it, saying racism "doesn't exist in the NBA."

Speaking before Friday's Game 6 of a playoff series between Toronto and New Jersey, Stern said of the report: "My major concern about it is that it's wrong."

"This is a bum rap, that's all," Stern said. "This is a bum rap, and if it is going to be laid on us it should be laid on us by basis of some people who are purported to be scholars in a publication that purports to hold us up to a higher standard - a little bit more should have been done."

Justin Wolfers, an assistant professor of business and public policy at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, and Joseph Price, a Cornell graduate student in economics, found that white referees called fouls at a greater rate against black players than against white players.

The study, conducted over a 13-year span through 2004, was based on information from publicly available box scores, which show only the referees' names and contain no information about which official made a call..."


I wasn't going to comment on this story but sweet moses on a pogo, what asses these liberals be. In their neverending quest to find racism where little exists, this idiot and his faithful idiot companion (boy-toy?) cherrypicked stat sheets and made certain to leave out years when one big and clumsy white guy would lead the league in fouls.

So lets settle some of the latest loon-acies:

Referees could give a shit what color a player is. Fouling is part of the game, a strategy designed to put a big untalented oaf at the line to maybe make his one instead of the dunked two.

Women DO make less than men because they on average have less education, go for the easier jobs, and work fewer hours. Talk to ANY HR department in the Fortune 500 and inquire as to why women are even as close as they are, and you'll get a shrug and a wink. Many, many, women are OVER-PAID just so as not to raise socialist hackles any more than necessary.

No where in the Constitution does it say that cops and deans get to determine who is allowed to defend themselves while attending school. The Founders would take ONE look at this mess, then rally us together to take back the country. I am old and would go down in the first wave but if Tom or George (or for that matter, Ron) showed up tomorrow and ordered a charge, I'd charge. That day, or something pretty close to that day, is moving away from the realm of possibility and towards the probable so stay sharp. I am not surrendering, ya'll do as you please.

The war against terrorism is going quite well thank you very much, because the last time I looked none of our big buildings have been attacked in quite a while. It'd be swell if the Iraqi people took to Democracy, but all I truly care about is that that part of the world remains stable enough to keep terrorist groups from taking over then sending cadres of men to come kill us. The whole deal was to oust Saddam, and we did that. If the people want a different form of government then so be it, just as long as they do not think we'll allow them to cause us harm. Now, or in the immediate future. So it's best to do a good enough job in setting these bastards back on their heels, at least for a time. Islam has declared war on all peoples NOT of islam, and it isn't going to end with Iraq, or Iran, but with making the very idea of attacking us so unpalatable as to prevent large scale forays against America and American interests. We will not send you to jail, we will not take away your oil, we will not protest to the UN. We will kill you and all who look like you.

There's lots more but the pizza is ready. Oh and before I forget, there's a used, good to very good M1A I've an eye on. I hated giving up the old M14, because I sort of grew accustomed to shooting once then moving to another target. Semi-auto is what it is and until I get the proper tax stamp...which I shy away from for fear I'll get's good enough.

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