"This is the same FBI that found the people that bombed the World Trade Center in lickety-split, record time."
Bill Clinton. In reemphasizing his gratitude and admiration for the FBI after the massacre of the Branch Davidians on April 19.
The Bush White House has to date NOT conducted any such raids, preferring instead to kill the enemies of America as opposed to Americans.
The Clinton Administration, using the offices of Mr. Janet Reno, the head of Disarm Americans Now, or what the Clinton White House laughingly referred to as the Attorney General, oversaw the killing of more Americans than terrorists. This was promised, as the Clinton's would often aver that once becoming President, they would have to start taking some rights away from the average American.
Would they, meaning the uber-liberals, have the stomach for an all-out war?
Against Americans, the answer is yes. In the mind of a liberal, there is nothing more reviled, more despised, than a patriotic American. Not that they'd fight us themselves, mano-a-mano, mind you. That's the job of the kill teams, the only citizens permitted to bear the type of arms necessary to destroy or enslave entire city's.
Join with me now in mooning William Jefferson Clinton, and his wife, Hillary Rodham. Who now wants her crack at destroying America. Um. I, ah, I didn't mean it the way it sounds...
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