Thursday, May 10, 2007

Pope Says We Have A Failure To Excommunicate

"Pope Benedict condemned politicians - like Rudy Giuliani - who support abortion rights and said yesterday they should be excommunicated from the church.

Giuliani, who took on the Vatican over abortion when he was mayor, declined to fire back yesterday.

"First of all, I do not get into debates with the Pope," a smiling Giuliani told reporters in Huntsville, Ala. "That is not a good idea, and not just because I am a Catholic."

Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s. Seems like an old Jew figured out how to handle this Church and State deal a long time ago. Rudy, in calling himself a Roman Catholic but not caring about what his religion professes to be THE moral standard, is simply another in the never ending procession of politicians who use religion to placate the masses, but have absolutely NO inner core of beliefs or standards.

You GO, Pope. Excommunicate the weasel.

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