SPRINGFIELD (AP) – "With suggestions that it could help limit tragedies such as the Virginia Tech massacre, the Senate on Wednesday approved a ban on high-capacity gun magazines.
Ammunition clips holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be illegal under legislation that passed, 31-26, and was sent to the House.
Sen. Dan Kotowski sold the bill as one that doesn’t limit the manufacture or sale of guns in a state reluctant to toughen controls on weapons despite solid Democratic control of the Legislature.
“Criminals are going to get guns,” Kotowski said. “Why not limit the damage that they can cause?”
The bill allows the continued sale of high-capacity magazines to police and the military, exempts shooting competitions, and allows current owners of the clips to keep them."
Amazing how these incompetent dolts continue to refer to a magazine as a clip, but neither the press nor the politicians they shill for have clue-one and aren't up to learning anything new (to them).
So a crook will always be able to illegally acquire a firearm, but will have lots of trouble getting full capacity magazines?
On what planet does this pertain to?
Here on Sol-3, full caps are a dime a dozen, and were I to own any I'd have approximately 10 per firearm. Any ban would of course cause a run on them, and all one need do is find an accommodating friend in another jurisdiction to sell mags for 5 times the face value.
Matter of fact, sounds like a damn fine idea. Thats a lot of ammo.
The gestapo members calling themselves police officers will have no problem enforcing such unconstitutional "laws", and should therefore remain beneath our contempt, and memorable only because it'll be nice to know whom to fire once we regain control of the nation. Back when I worked for you, it was with the clear understanding as to whom the boss was, and the sooner we shitcan todays civil servants who have problems understanding the basic premise of Democracy the better.
NONE of these socialist politicians can enslave us without thugs aplenty. Every city and state that plans to deny you your rights is able to do so only because they can find enough men who have not a single trace of moral fiber. The battle against such traitors is going to be a long and difficult one. We know damn well the Fudds won't back our play, but what's new?
The Founders had the Tories. We've the Fuddies. Stand fast, stay armed, and shoulder to shoulder we'll remain unbeatable. Oh and fer chrissake, GET that damned CCW, too. We're up against the politicians, their private armies, the mainstream media, and need all the help we can get.
Thanks to The War on Guns.
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