Thursday, May 17, 2007

Unlawful Search And Seizure...

The kind that happens quite often wherever honest citizens gather to exercise their constitutional rights.

In this particular instance, the problem is and always shall be, the fact that law enforcement wants to be the only ones allowed to open carry, and will harass law abiding civilians who have the audacity to believe themselves to be as worthy as their overseers masters. Click the link then scroll about halfway down to see all of the following entry, and take note WHO is flaming these folks for wanting to rise above their station. If you find yourself just joining us in this peek into the criminal mind, aka law enforcement, David at The War on Guns fleshes it out some. Bottom line; the guy has stones. The police HATE stones.

May 13 - 2:00 PM
: My brother and I were arrested for OCing. At the time, we were about 400 yards from our home, walking on the sidewalk.Officer 1: “Stop and put your hands up” (over loud-speakers). *Gets out of car*.
Officer 1: “Put your hands higher!”
Officer 1: “Turn around and spread your feet.” *Walked up and took my gun*
Officer 1: *Unloaded and stuck in belt, clip put in pocket.*
Officer 1: “Turn around and spread your feet” (to Stephen).
Officer 1: *Took Stephen’s gun* “Is this loaded?” *Racked slide*
Zach: “You just chambered a round. You’re aiming it at those houses; make sure you don’t shoot anyone.”
Officer 1: *Tried to remove magazine from 10/22. Asked Stephen how to remove it.*
Stephen: *Reached over and pressed mag release.*
Officer 2: “How are you doing?”
Zach: “Not so good. I’m being unlawfully detained.”
Officer 2: “Oh, are you Mr. Doty?”
Zach: “Yes.”
Officer 2: “Oh, okay, I see.”
Officer 2: “Well, open carry is perfectly legal. But it’s not common.”
Zach: “That’s what I’m trying to change.”
Officer 2: “Is this your brother?” *Pointed at Stephen*
Zach: “Yes.”
Officer 2: “How old is he?”
Zach: “Fifteen.”
Officer 2: “Okay”
Officer 2: “Are you going to church?”
Zach: “Not right now. I was at Church this morning and I’m going again this evening, but no, not right now.”
Officer 1: “I’m going to put the guns on the sidewalk. I don’t want you to touch them until we’re out of sight.”
Stephen: “Don’t scratch my gun on the pavement.”
Officer 1: “I won’t.”
Officer 1: “Zach, do you know how to reassemble your gun?”
Zach: “Yes”
Officer 1: *Takes Glock Apart – Places on Sidewalk – Gets in car and drives away.*

This incident happened quite quickly, especially after they found out who we were, I guess they heard I was suing. Nevertheless, it wasn't quick enough. They still broke the law.

My brother was wearing a Ruger 10/22 on his back (Idaho Code won't let him carry a sidearm). He had an affidavit signed by our parents authorizing him to carry it, which we had notarized (the last officers refused to read the one I had because it wasn’t notarized). Strangely enough, the officers never asked to see it.

Summed up, they took our guns, unloaded and disassembled them, laid them on the ground, told us not to touch them till they were gone, then they left! What did that accomplish? Not much!

And THIS tidbit:

Chief of Police called just as I was getting ready to leave the attorney's office. He indicated that the video tapes were ready to pick up, but that they wouldn't have any audio. I asked why the tapes had no audio and he said that the officers had wireless microphones transmitting on the same frequency which canceled each other out.


Bottom Line? The local cops have been ordered (JA MEIN FUHRER!) to stop and hassle this guy whenever they see him out and about. He's not breaking any laws, and what, now think about this for a moment please, what would the Founding Fathers have to say about all this.

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