by Bay Buchanan
"What if a pathological liar became the leader of the free world? For years, Hillary Clinton has plotted to take over the White House, carefully crafting her image as a politician while the world watched. But all is not as it seems, warns Bay Buchanan in The Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton.
In this devastating account of the woman who would be president, Buchanan delivers a laundry list of the presidential hopeful's emotional problems, not the least of which is a propensity for bending the truth. Buchanan breaks through Hillary's façade and explores the terrifying possibilities of another Clinton in the White House, blowing the cover off the plan to mold Hillary's cold-hearted liberalism into a softer, more palatable product.
Buchanan writes: "The most revealing aspect of Hillary's character is her casual relationship with the truth...Hillary lies, changes lies, denies lies, justifies lies, and lies about lies. She lies to anyone and to everyone, under pressure, under oath, or casually, for any reason or for no reason. Lying has become central to her ability to communicate."
Hillary's not just running a campaign; she's undergoing a full-scale extreme makeover. Aided by her stealthy unpaid accomplice, the liberal media, she has made America forget a lifetime of radical feminism and countless scandals, luring us into a false sense of complacency.
The Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton provides the truth—that radicalism and corruption are still at the core of Hillary's character—and explains why it could spell disaster for the future of our government."
If you remain unawares of Shrillary and her cheating, thieving, lying, bigoted, black-faced-minstrel self (the woman actually got on a podium and slurred her words ala southern blacks...more than once), then by all means buy this book. ANYTHING that would keep you from voting for this creature is worth the price of admission.
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