Monday, May 14, 2007

We Get Letters

"A Circuit City employee spots some Muslim men behaving suspiciously and notifies the authorities. Turns out the men were terrorist-wannabe’s plotting to attack a US military base and murder military personnel and/or their families. Now the Circuit City employee might be sued “violating constitutional rights or for racial discrimination”! No kidding... the citizen who saved the lives of our troops and their families could be sued for it.

We need to wake up people! The terrorists are using our own system against us and half of us are sitting back and letting them do it while the other half unwittingly (?) helps them. Here’s a reality check that I think everybody should read and pass along:

Or you can delete this e-mail and go back to sleep I suppose.

If our criminal "justice" system allows such a travesty to happen, we're in worse shape that I thought.

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