"The (British) officers who mistook the Brazilian for a suicide bomber and shot him will not be disciplined, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) said."
Remember him? De Menezes was the poor sap on his way to work but was executed by special British police units after boarding a subway car. It's a badly kept secret that after the 2005 London bombings the police, ala 007 fame, were given a license to kill anyone they suspected to be a suicide bomber. They followed him into the car, blocked the door from closing, then opened fire without once asking him to surrender himself. At least one officer held him firm while another fired as many as 7 rounds into his head.
But of course he was the wrong guy. After receiving a call to check on a balky alarm system, electrician de Menezes headed to the tubes, paid his way in, and was misidentified via surveillance cameras as one of the suspects responsible for the London bus bombing. There was to be NO attempt to capture him. Even though it was obvious that he carried no bulky equipment nor was wearing heavy clothing, the order was given to shoot to kill and so they did.
We must always remind ourselves that the Brits are subjects. Disarmed, and without the right to profess innocence and be tried by a jury of their peers. De Menezes was executed on the spot, and the police were "just doing their jobs."
There was NO positive identification. One of the police "experts" declared that he looked enough like their quarry because he had "mongolian eyes, so take no chances."
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