Monday, September 19, 2005

Fly On The Wall

"Yeah, Gov? Nagin' here. Say look, I'm callin' for all the folks to come on home soon as they can."
"Now? But the ground itself is polluted, there's no running water, no electricity, no sewage, no 911 services...not that it'd do any good since half your police left and the other half are vactioning in Vegas..."

"Now damn your nanny ass woman, and fuck dat fresh runnin' water, we gots plenty bottled stuff ta go round since you toll the Red Cross ta stay away .. they full of water and beggin' ta come on in, and bet your fat milky ass now. Say look cher, I gots everybody from Holiday Inn to Larry's Love Shack screamin' ta git biness goin' agin or they's plannin on backin' somebody else come next election. You gots plenny uptown money, an all I gots is poor folk and the hotels. Now you tell ME what kinda campaign cash I'm gettin' from the poor folks?"

"But we've let the military take over, Mayor! I told you I didn't want the military in on things because they won't LET YOU open for business whenever we damned well please, they're gonna want stuff fixed, I did my best and held 'em off long as I could, so now it's up to you to convince them. Hear?"

"Uh huh. Say look, what if I give Farrakahn a call and he say that poor black folks wanna go home but Bush won't let them go find they poor black missin' kids? Gov? What's that clickin' noise baby? You there? Oh shi..."

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