Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Geraldo Gets Dissed By The Times. Bigtime.

I'm not a big Jerry Rivers fan. The Al-Capone's Vault sealed it for me, and that was that. Used to be a NY Times Fan and it just goes to show that the more things change the more they change. Or something like that. I mean, who could not love the Times, there simply wasn't a comparable source for art, leisure, even some good sports reporting, so okay, the political bent was to the left but lefty's need loving too. Then the Clinton manifesto took hold and it's campaigning all the day, every day, and there isn't a single section of this once august newspaper that can offer something without us having to hear how bad the right is. Not just how good the left can be, but bad, bad righties.

I've criticized Jerry for being a wheelchair-chaser, but he's a lawyer so moving from ambulances to non-motorized vehicles isn't that much of a stretch. Here's the story of one wheelchair he didn't chase that the Times said he did. - The O'Reilly Factor - Interview - FNC's Geraldo Rivera on Accusations About His Katrina Reporting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Geraldo fan, or anything. One correction, though -- according to he was never named Jerry Rivers: