Thursday, September 08, 2005

If All Else Fails...Nagin' And Blanco Can Always Find Work At The U.N.

Probe: Saddam's Regime Pocketed $10.2B

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - An exhaustive investigation of the Iraq oil-for-food program has made clear that the United Nations simply isn't capable of taking on massive tasks like the $64 billion operation and will never be unless it adopts a host of reforms, the probe's chief said. The Independent...

Let's see divide by, multiply, oh hi. Just doing some quick cyphering here and that comes to 16% of the total program. 16 cents on every dollar stolen by Saddam and his pals. If they ever get to the bottom of who got what, well, I think I know what's been ailing Chirac lately.

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