Monday, September 19, 2005

It Finally Happened Miss MoDo's Column Is Now Safely Hidden Away From The Children

Yes. The NY Times began it's pay-for-Mo policy today, making the old whore a pricey extra for premium members, but that's pretty much all old whores are good for, keeping the sailors busy while the younger pros swindle money from them.

The NY Times Select wants the cash up front before you see the goods, and I for one hail it as a godsend. Sometimes I simply could not help myself from clicking into the words and wisdom of her supreme drunkeness, and I'd always feel dirty afterwards.

"Bush, hic, sucks, hic..MOTHER'S are the SUPREME moral authority and should, hic, be consulted before ANYBODY else, hic..."

Thank you, NY Times. It was a sinful and disgusting habit to begin with, and you've stopped enabling such a dirty little vice. And since no one besides certifyable lunatics are going to pay to see whats behind HER curtain...just think...far less criticism. And she's quoted in far fewer places which means fewer trips to the Times and...wait a sec now. You WANTED fewer hits? S'a' matter, guys, those online ads weren't being clicked for ya, huh? Not that mine are, so I really shouldn't speak on the matter but...hahahahahahahahahahaha...the Times has to go begging.

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