Thursday, September 22, 2005

Misha's Cracked The Code...

No, not the code of the freaks...

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

"During our exhaustive, endless research (Consisting of bullshitting and otherwise idly wasting good electrons in the Imperial Instant Bark™), we discovered that Hurricanes Katrina & Rita have something eerily in common: They both contain the letters “R-I-T-A”.
After running these letters through the aforementioned VRWC SSDR&DW™, we’ve come to the inescapable conclusion that it can only mean one thing: “Re-establish The Aryan Identity."

I'd link you directly to the article in question, but The Rot has also cracked the How-To-Bounce-Messenger-Offline code, and every time I try and establish a direct link...poof, AOL logs me off. He's always worth a look-see, so hasten thee to Castle Rot...

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