Tuesday, September 13, 2005

President Bush Takes Responsibility...

So what's up with W saying he shares the blame?

Damn straight he's partly responsible, he's the top of the food chain. Takes a big man to admit it and it's a good political move to say that hey, our end of the deal could have been better handled. People forgive a lot faster when a man steps up to the plate and fills it with his honor. FEMA begins with Federal and the Federal side of the deal wasn't perfect. Is perfection possible? Of course not, but the mission came out less satisfactory than planned and to hide from this fact would only add fuel to the silly liberal mindless bitching that...as was 9/11...it was just another way to clean house a bit. Hey, we needed a new wing on the Pentagon anyway, and look at the pretty, California-looking building they're putting up in place of the broad-shouldered Twin Towers.

What you WON'T see are Nagin' and Blanco admitting anything CLOSE to culpability.

Nagin' bought a house in Dallas and none of the MSM is calling him on this. Blanco's cronies are wallet-deep into the rebuilding plans and the MSM is letting this slide past as well.

Was refreshing to see SOMEBODY say, "I take responsibility".

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