Friday, September 02, 2005

Simian Cells Sate Scientists...

From Bob Parks, University of Marlyand:

Scientists at MIT and Washington University, St. Louis, announcedWednesday that they have determined the precise order of the 3billion bits of genetic code needed to make a chimpanzee. Thereis only a 1 percent difference from the human genetic code. Butfor that 1 percent, chimpanzees would have a seat in the UN. Robert Waterston, who led the Washington University team, wasquoted in yesterday's Washington Post saying, "I can't imagineDarwin hoping for a stronger confirmation of his ideas."

Doesn't mean a hill of beans to the undereducated, Bob. Talk till you're blue in the face but disblieving in something one's parents began drilling into them since birth isn't changing anytime soon. Yeah yeah, I know that mankind is poorly served by the ID nonsense...thousands of years of abject misery because the species refused to allow science a chance to help...but we all begin sounding overly sensitive on the subject, and hold your horses, hoss, I KNOW how important the quality of human life is and that science has fought for millennia to improve upon it, but the time has come to tone it down a tad. Just keep asking them for proof, or studies, or an examination of their methodology, do it with that voice we use to ask little kids if they need to go potty, and eventually they'll tire of being so very confused and go on to something else. Good idea might be to start that angels dancing on the head of a pin deal again...

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