Friday, September 16, 2005

Told Ya So...Here Comes The Monster Of Crawford And She's Bitching Again

A week or so back, we opined that the FBI can't check to see if a moslem is checking out a library book on nuclear wespons and their effects on hydroelectric dams without moonbats screaming foul, and that for the government to waltz into a city, any city, but New Orleans in particular without the PROPER authorization is against the law, and no, Governor Blank, that doesn't mean you'll call the girls for a quick tea party and by the way, send in the Feds, it means the RIGHT way under the constitution.

So now that the troops have SAVED that city from the incompetent and criminal neglect that Democrats have shown it these last 40 years, guess who wants them OUT?

"I don’t care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don’t care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don’t care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don’t fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest."

Yes, it's reared it's ugly head again, and from the home base at Michael Moore's abortion he calls a website. Cindy the Shitheel wants the boys home, and even if home IS Louisiana, ALL TROOPS OUT NOW. The pig stands upon the bodies of yet MORE American fallen to promote herself and the turdfactory that is the fat mans propaganda blog. You can get the reference at Drudge or Little Green footballs; I'll link to LGF but Drudge loads so slowly on dialup forget about it:

lgf: we feel more like we do now

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