Friday, September 02, 2005

Once again, big newspapers aren't up to the task.

Wonder Land

"Once again, big public bureaucracies aren't up to the task."

Never been to New Orleans have you, Danny? On a GOOD day the crime rate was 10 times higher than the national average, and very little in the way of public service worked very well.

The morality of Vegas without the accountants ragging that things at least have to LOOK operational or the rubes head elsewhere to be naughty.

Of course bureaucracy breeds incompetance, but whoever heard of a city in ruins shooting at the incoming aid choppers? It's ALWAYS easy on paper, Dan, and you fall into the lefty style of thinking that closing your eyes really really tight and making a wish solves everything. It's a down and dirty world, and no matter how much glitter we wrap around ourselves we're still not that far removed from the treeline.

Being human. Get used to it, it might happen again.

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