Saturday, September 03, 2005

Rehnquist Dies...

NEWS ALERT from The Wall Street JournalSept. 3, 2005

"Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died at his home after a battle with cancer, a Supreme Court spokeswoman says."

The shit has hit the fan.

Greta van Lockjaw in on Fox blathering about things you'd think she knew something about, seeing as she's a certified ambulance chaser and this is her baliwick, but is clueless. "...Sandra Day O'Conner was a moderate..."

A Moderate what, Greta? A stark raving lunatic? Compared to, say, Ted Kennedy?

Updates as I get 'em.

Good grief but where does the media run to next. Find more rising water somewhere or head to chase THIS story? Damn him for not dying in New Orleans...

The scuttlebutt was that Darth, strike that, Ruth Bader has been itching to pull the pin as well, and you know that if they have to, the Dems will have the Japanese make a Bader-Bot to take her place without anyone the wiser until Bush leaves office. No way in hell this woman can leave now, but damn wouldn't be a trip if she announced her retirement this time next year?

The condundrum of which "News" channel to watch; Clinton News Network doing their best to keep a good face on it all when deep down inside each and every manjack of 'em is weeping; Fox as they drag out one nobody after another who knows less about this stuff than my tropical fish, or...nah...never MSNBC

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