Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Something Noteworthy...

...When Charles Krauthammer generates an all-things-painfully obvious except when it's way off-base essay. You know someone's been watching too many hearings when "judicial modesty" rears it's silly head, and while we expect more from Chuckie TheGaulPeen, it's somewhat understandable since Schumer et al droned on and on about humility as if they'd just now heard of the word and were amazed at it's implications. Politicians speaking of modesty is akin to Pedophiles lecturing on chastity; I get-it, you get-it, and someone's gotta rouse our favorite Kraut from whatever doldrums he's been forced to endure, because from the looks of this composition he's permitted the brainwashing to overcome his natural bullswaddle meter.

WSJ.com - It's All About Roe vs. Wade

"...For Democrats, abortion is an open litmus test. For Republicans, it is a test of agility: Can they find the nominee who might be against Roe but has been circumspect enough not to say so publicly, and who will be clever enough to avoid saying so at his confirmation hearings?

Circumspect and clever Mr. Roberts has been. No one really knows. But I predict two things: (a) Chief Justice Roberts will vote to uphold Roe v. Wade, and (b) his replacing his former boss, Chief Justice Rehnquist, will move the court only mildly, but most assuredly, to the left -- as measured by the only available yardstick, the percent of concurrences with the opinions of those conservative touchstones, Scalia and Thomas."

Yes, no doubt at all is there? Charles is once again feeling the tug of the dark side. He makes a case for Roberts' skillful manuevering around each and every litmus test, then tells us that he, and he alone, has it all figured out and it ain't pretty.

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