Thursday, November 03, 2005


"Hypocrisy is on show in a Manhattan courtroom today. The New York Civil Liberties Union will argue for the second day before Judge Richard Berman that the city's subway bag search policy is an "unjustifiable erosion of the privacy rights of the American public." Yet take a walk into the NYCLU's Manhattan headquarters - which it shares with other organizations - and you'll find a sign warning visitors that all bags are subject to search. One of the city's lawyers, Jay Kranis, pointed this out yesterday in court while cross-examining a witness. Either the NYCLU believes its headquarters are at greater risk of a terrorist threat than the city's subway system, or it believes ordinary New Yorkers don't deserve the same safety precautions that they do."

This isn't anything new, moonbats who can afford it hire professional security services...big men with even bigger protect them as they drive to the nearest Brady-Bunch meeting to protest the fact that the poor slob on the street is allowed to, gasp, keep and bear arms.

Liberal hypocrisy at it's best, indeed. Protect ME ME ME, and fuck YOU YOU YOU.

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