Thursday, November 03, 2005

Flummery With Sam

The Life of the Party? Only in the 'Grand Old' Sense.

Reading the Washington Post is something I do every day, know thy enemy and all that jazz, and have to agree with nerdy columnist Dana Milbank (I mean, a man named Dana cannot be anything BUT nerdish himself) that Sam Alito is nerd personified. The poster boy for nerds. The ultimate revenge of the nerds.

Unlike National Review's Tim Graham who kneejerks as they all do to ANY criticism of Judge Alito:

IS JOE TORRE A NERD? [Tim Graham]The other odd moment in the Washington Post pages this morning: Dana Milbank claiming that Sam Alito wearing a baseball uniform as a Little League coach and going to baseball fantasy camp are marks of a "nerd." Lots of sports-loving guys might suggest it's Milbank who's sounding nerdy today. Posted at 09:36 AM

Psst? Tim? Joe Torre is a professional baseball manager. Sam Alito is not. Men that go to fantasy camps and wear baseball uniforms while coaching Little League are nerds, Tim. It's okay for him to be a nerd. You needn't be so upset.

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