Thursday, November 03, 2005

No Borkbustering On Alito...

My Way News

Two GOP Senators: No Filibuster on Alito

But it's the Democrats who are making nice-nice. Graham and Mike DeWine can threaten the nuclear option, but it is doubtful that the Democrats would force their hand. Listen to Dick the Turban:

"I don't know a single Democrat who is saying that it's time for a filibuster, that we should really consider it," Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, said after meeting with Alito on Wednesday. "It's way too early."

Nelson said Alito had assured him "that he wants to go to the bench without a political agenda, that he is not bringing a hammer and chisel to hammer away and chisel away on existing law."
Durbin said the judge told him he saw a right to privacy in the Constitution, one of the building blocks of the court's landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision.

Alito said that when it came to his dissent on Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a case in which the 3rd Circuit struck down a Pennsylvania law that included a provision requiring women seeking abortions to notify their spouses, that "he spent more time worrying over it and working on that dissent than any he had written as a judge," Durbin recounted.

If little Dicky didn't "hear a single Democrat" then he wasn't listening very closely when Boxer was raving like a lunatic after hearing of Alito's nomination. They'll do as they did with Roberts; Alito gets past the judicial committee and receives 65-70 yay's in the Senate. Less than Roberts, but Sammy's paper trail PROVES he can think for himself and that's something that scares the ever loving shit out of the Liberal Democrats.

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