Sunday, November 06, 2005

Rage of French Youth Is a Fight for Recognition

Yes. FRENCH youth. French youth who can't speak French. And it's all one big misunderstanding and golly, the government is to blame for not, um, for not recognizing their every whim and need and hope and desire and want and craving and doing wacky things like setting that lady on fire, that crippled lady in the wheelchair, that crippled lady that they doused with lighter fluid...well SHE didn't understand their all of the aboves, either.

This is what the Washington Post feels is one helluva headliner of a story. Animals attack, and it's the fault of the people they are attacking. The Rottweiler Defense. YOUR fault for being so close to a vicious animal and forget the fact that it's YOUR house or neighborhood or country...the animal gets first dibs.

Couldn't be THEIR fault. Hell no.

"Such a dramatic demand for recognition underscores the chasm between the fastest growing segment of France's population and the staid political hierarchy that has been inept at responding to societal shifts."

The chasm between man and beast IS enormous, and damn them Frenchies for not knowing this simple fact. Those staid political hierarchy's that gave them housing and food and clothing and free money just for being born, damn them for not paying attention when these poor kids were kicking out all French speaking people from their neighborhoods and demanding that the mailman grow a footlong beard as prescribed by their goat-fellating god and damn them for sending, gasp, WOMEN to deliver mail and groceries because the French let WOMEN drive cars for heavens sake so damn them for that too.

The "societal shift" has been to the stark raving mad religion created by a pedophile that is incensed that the date is 2005 and not 600, and anyone not understanding that is incapable of understanding mohammed's tribe of murderers.

And yes, damn the French for letting in such monstrosities to begin with. Sure SEEMED like a good idea when the French birthrate had declined to the point whereby there'd BE no France in a few decades, but guess what? There still isn't going to be no France in a few decades.

Two words: LIVE AMMO.

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