Saturday, November 05, 2005

Rep Wants Congressional Invistigation Into The Death Of Rap Star...

"H.R.4210 Title: To provide for the expeditious disclosure of records relevant to the life and death of Tupac Amaru Shakur. Sponsor: Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. [D-GA-4] (introduced 11/2/2005) Cosponsors: (none)Committees: House Government Reform; House Rules Latest Major Action: 11/2/2005 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on Rules, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned."

Huh? To investigate the death of Tupac Shakur? A Congresscritter so in the dark about rap and the killers that make their fortune pushing it, that she wants an investigation?

Well, this was on my list of things to rant about, and lo and behold the Anklebiters beat me to it:

Cynthia McKinney

Who is this award named for? Judge Elihu Smails, the character in the film Caddyshack who asks of the obnoxious but lovable Al Czervick (played by Rodney Dangerfield), “Good Lord, what has this buffoon done now?” As a special tribute to Judge Smails, every week we will issue this award to the biggest buffoon of the week … the person who, through his or her actions or public statements, has made a buffoon of themselves and everyone associated with them. Please note that since we slammed John "Crushed" Kerry on a daily basis when the site name was "crushkerry", he and his family are ineligible for this prestigious award. We also ask Ankle Biters to send in your nominations (no limits, so keep them coming). All we ask is that you tell us why you’re nominating the person, and include a link to any relevant stories.

In reality this week's Award winner was long overdue. In fact, she probably could have got a Lifetime Achievement Award when we started up. We're used to her nutty America-hating shenanigans, but the one she pulled this week surely deserves mention because it's just so damn stupid it's funny.So take a bow, unwrap your braids from it's bun and come on down Cynthia "Whitey Killed 2PAC" McKinney, Democrat GOP Congresswoman.This week, Kooky Cindy proposed that the government open the murder files of overrated and dead rapper Tupac Shakur. Not content that 2PAC got his a$$ capped because of the East Coast/West Coast Rap Feud Between Bad Boy Records and Death Row, McKinney compared her call for the release of files to similar legislation with regard to JFK's assassination

"Basically we would model the Tupac legislation on the MLK legislation which I introduced earlier this year. That legislation, in turn, is based on successful legislation that put a process in place for the public release of all files pertaining to the murder of President John Kennedy. We know that in 1999 a jury determined that there was a conspiracy to kill Dr. King that included our own government. To the extent that there are files available on the life and murder of Tupac, they, too should be released for public inspection. Maybe then, like the Tennessee jury, we'll get closer to the truth about the forces swirling around this young man that ended up taking his life."You see the theory on the wacko left is that Tupac was being infiltrated by government agents, and that they may have been involved in his death.

One wonders if McKinney took this action to take the spotlight away from the fact that she was fined $33,000 by the Federal Election Commission after accepting excessive contributions in the 2002 election. You really should see her donor list, as it looks like the phone book from downtown Tehran.But that's not surprising given that this is the woman who suggested that the US Government was behind 9/11 in order to benefit corporations and defense contractors."

Read it all if you've a mind to be enlightened. The woman is the lowest of traitorous dogs. One who would hide behind the title of an elected official as she strives oh so diligently to weaken the United States and leave it helpless before the enemies she so warmly embraces.

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