Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sob, Sniff, He Has No One To Kill

"Lawyers for Jumah Dossari, a detainee held at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, filed a motion in federal court yesterday asking for improvements in the conditions of their client's confinement, arguing that his nearly complete isolation from human contact has led him to become suicidal.

Dossari, one of about 500 detainees held without criminal charges at the U.S. military base, tried to commit suicide on Oct. 15 by hanging himself with a makeshift noose and by gouging his right arm. Dossari's lawyer found his client dangling in a cell after he did not return promptly from a bathroom break during their meeting.

The lawyer, Joshua Colangelo-Bryan, said he believes Dossari, 26, timed the attempt so that an outsider would witness it. Military officials have said Dossari's condition is stable; his lawyers have since had no contact with him."

Yeah right. He timed the "attempt" so his lice ridden ass could be SAVED. Oh, the poor widdle terrorist has nobody to terrorize and is feeling sniffly? And oh ma' gosh, he "gouged" his widdle arm, too?

Here's how to solve this problem. Get him and others like him some of those Death-Video's. You know, then ones featuring automobile accidents and gruesome killings. Cheap VCR, a few bargain basement tapes to while away the hours, and...snap of the fingers...Mr. Meatbomb is happier than all get out. He gets to see people die and HE doesn't have to die doing it. After a while, the urge to take another life becomes so strong that he and others like him start killing their fellow meatbombers and that solves another one of the problems.

Death-Tapes. Moslem-Porn. They'll love it.

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