Monday, April 17, 2006

Dick Morris On How To Surrender To The Fools...

Careful there, Dick, your roots are showing:

"What can Bush do? Anything he wants to. He's still president. Here's a menu:"

Really focus on energy issues: Come out for massive investment in ethanol production, delivery and vehicles, and more: retrofitting all gas stations for ethanol and hydrogen; a new push for nuclear power; heavy investment in clean coal technology, burying the carbon dioxide. Truly lead the nation away from petroleum.

Hmmm: except of course for the fact that to MAKE ethanol, more gasoline is wasted than saved, and since ethanol DILUTES gasoline one gets fewer miles per gallon with it...therefore using MORE gasoline in the process. Bright idea, Dick.

Same with hydrogen, Dick. It wastes far more energy than it saves at the pump.

"Admit that global warming is happening, and launch major new programs to curb it: Many are the same measures as can solve our energy dependence. But add in mandatory upgrading of power plants to cut emissions and major investment in solar and bio-mass energy."

Global warming is NOT happening, Dick, and you can look it up. There are many places that are experiencing the long-awaited cooldown, and with closing in a trillion dollars spent by the worlds' economy, admitting global warming is admitting you don't know shit about science and are willing to follow every the-sky-is-falling crackpot who sees a chance to make a quick buck while bankrupting the few solvent nations there are.

"Build a wall, but let guest workers in: Right-wingers want a wall on our southern border; they'd accept a guest-worker program if we could regulate our own borders. Latinos would accept a wall if there were a chance for immigrants to do legal work and a path to citizenship. Give both what they want, and lead the country into a grand compromise."

"Latinos" will NEVER accept a wall, Dick. The spanish find that to be one of the most insulting prospects imaginable, and to openly profess that you are unaware of this speaks volumes about where your ear has been, as it's certainly NOT been close to the ground.

"Put the drug fight front and center: Demand drug testing in schools with parental consent, and tax incentives for workplace drug testing. Link cocaine to terrorism, and build a national consensus for tough measures to cut demand."

Hasn't the war on drugs cost us enough, Dick? To do what? Create MORE users? Haven't there been uncountable doctoral thesae generated about this topic that indicate we've long since LOST and it's time to re-think?

You DO know what "think" is, don't you Dick?"

"Bush can restore his presidency's drive with new issues. If he doesn't, he'll wind up leading his party to the greatest shipwreck since Watergate."

That sums it up nicely, and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you really don't know Dick, Dick. Honestly, I haven't read such bilgewater since the Clinton's were dishonoring the White House on a regular basis.

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