Sunday, February 18, 2007

Extra: Virginia PD Spits On 2nd Amendment...Jefferson Rolls Over In Grave...

Lem further exposed the Manassas Maulers, otherwise known as police officers, for what they really are. Nazi Storm Troopers. Lord I do love hyperbole. Anyway, along with his expose, please peruse the following. But don't hold your breath awaiting an answer as to the whys, or even when an American police department turned coat to join the communist revolution:

When you review the following report on how the Manassas City Police
Department (MCPD) harassed 7 individuals lawfully open carrying in a
restaurant that serves alcohol, think of what might have happened if
HB 2943 was current law. Would they have placed the individuals under
arrest so they could engage in a fishing expedition and search them
and their vehicles?

The MCPD owes the citizens of Virginia answers to the following questions:

- Does the MCPD have a policy encouraging its officers to harass
citizens lawfully open carrying a firearm?

- Does the MCPD have a policy encouraging its officers to attempt
to get permit holders to unlawfully conceal their firearm in a
restaurant that serves alcohol?

- Does the MCPD have a policy encouraging its officers to strong
arm private businesses to eject law abiding customers from their
premises just because they are lawfully open carrying a firearm?

- Why did the entire on duty police force respond to a call when
the caller acknowledged that the individuals weren't doing anything wrong?

- What steps is the MCPD going to take to make sure the abuse of
power demonstrated by the officers in this incident aren't going to be
repeated again?

EM Mike Stollenwerk submitted a FOIA request for any records
pertaining to this incident:

The 911 call:
FOIA response:

As some of the adjoining PD's recommended, all they'll really do is make sure their liability insurance is paid up, and for one good reason: Can't have mere civilians parading around with weapons. Takes the joy out of being an only one. How in hell are you going to find, let alone recruit men for a job that places them on a golden pedestal where any old "over-compensating-ass clown" can climb aboard too?

Wanna bet there'd be some really pissed off old time Virginians, such as The Sage of Monticello himself, were this to have happened in Tom's day?

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