I was taken aback when Mr. Fancy Schmancy shouted "A pox on both your houses!" as I was unaware that he knew of my summer home. Founding member of the Hogtown Irregulars, and former indentured short order cook still on the run. Professional Zamboni racer and bronze medal recipient in the 2010 All-Miami Outdoor Zamboni Championships.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Calling All Cars...
Has anyone seen hide nor hair of Hammer?
Checking for When Your Only Tool Is A Hammer clicks into a page that says Blog Not Found, and if he pulled the pin for good then that's a shame.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Versus...B. Hussein's "Wisdom"
"I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies."
— Barack Obama, August, 2008
Gunnery Sergeant Wisdom 101
else becomes available."
"Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, He'll
just kill you."
Stay tuned for more pearls from the gunny. As I remember them. Which might take forever. Or most of it.
AK's Are Once Again Running Rings Around The M16
Put aside the fact that these poodle shooters are, well, poodle shooters, and listen to the men who've been trading tons of rounds with Afghan and Iraqi terrorists.
Seems that the barrels of both the M4 and M16 are becoming warped when trying to compete with the AK-47 variants during full rock & roll, and to this I say, "Duh!". Piece of shit that the AK's are, the one thing they CAN do is crank out round after round and guess what...
...During firefights that is kinda important.
One of the inconvenient truths one learns early on when going toe to toe with one raghead or another, is the fact that the AK's...inaccurate though they may be...can run rings around our shoulder weapons when push comes to shove and it didn't take the Afghans and Iraqis long to realize that the best way to take on an American infantry unit was to bombard them with fast and furious fire. Fast and furious counterfire is returned and the AK wielders severely stress our fella's. Sure, Americans are better trained and better shots and have loads of logistic support, but look for more tales of one unit or another receiving unnecessary casualties when repelling boarders.
And isn't that a damned shame.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Russian Ice-Skating Bear Kills His Trainer
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan — The director of a circus arena says an ice-skating bear turned on its trainers, killing one and seriously wounding another.
Kurmangazy Isanayev says workers dragged the trainers with a visiting Russian troupe away from the bear following Wednesday's attack, as they were rehearsing for a show in Bishkek.
The exits were then closed and rescue services called in.
Police say they shot the bear dead.
In a related but would appear to be coincidental note, representatives of skating star Tonya Harding say that it was mere happenstance they were in town auditioning for a similar show featuring the former Olympic hopeful.Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I'm Not Going to Stop Arresting Illegals
Sheriff Joe doesn't like criminals. Sheriff Joe arrests them whenever he can. The Obama administration LOVES crooks, and thieves and scalawags and felons...hell, now we're talkin' about MOST of his appointees, right?...so they want Sheriff Joe to stop going after the poor beaners who aren't bothering anybody as long as you don't count the women they rape and kill and the drug wars they start and alla that there human trafficking stuff.
To Obo and his merry men, this is penny-nickle-dime bullswaddle, and hells bells why can't Sheriff Joe go after some REAL ne'er do wells, like the FOX news crews?
Click the headline link for what Sheriff Joe has to say about all this. Do it. You'll even still like yourself in the morning.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Damn but sometimes it's been a labor of love AND despisement that's kept me going, but going we go.
What more fitting to feature in #10,000 than back to my roots as something of a gun blogger. The BIG-60 will be upon me come next May, and am thinking of treating myself to an Ed Brown Executive Elite 1911.
Had a chance to handle and shoot one a couple years back and was quite impressed.
• Ed Brown forged frame and slide
• 5” Government model slide
• Unloaded Weight: 38 oz
• Dehorning package
• Lowered and flared ejection port
• Polished feedramp
• Ed Brown premium match-grade barrel and solid steel bushing
• Ed Brown memory groove beavertail grip safety and extended tactical thumb safety
• Fixed Novak low-mount dovetail 3-dot night sights
For more you can click here. The pictured pistols are of the matte-on-matte variety, the sort I happened to favor the most.
Oh yeah; the pics are frickin' humongous so have a care in clicking if you dialed in via slow boat to china.

Number...Drum Roll Please...9,999

Purloined from WOODY.
Who has a good eye for the ridiculous. Hence his stopping by here now and again.
As to the picture, a case could be made that the Emperor is prettier than his Empress.
Then again, they're both so damned ugly "pretty" shouldn't be used in the same universe let alone sentence.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Counting Down To Post #10,000

Two postings after this will be our 10,000th.
Back when I was hale and hardy the place was jumpin' but don't count me out just yet.
Thinking of giving away something in some sort of contest for #10,000. Been fooling with blades as of late, and for my way of thinking that something would be a knife I've put the edge on and carry a lot. Nothing fancy, hell I sure ain't, but something from the old ticker. An article I'd miss. Knife pictured is 440C, opens and closes like a champ, has a spine near on 3 mm's and is sharpened past scary and into light-saber territory. With the caveat of course that such items are inherently dangerous and the utmost care should be taken not to cut ones nuts off. Unless one wishes that to be so. (Females please insert the appropriate body part in place of stones.)
Beaners Up In Arms Over Halloween Costume...

"He didn't just cross a border, he crossed a galaxy!" according to the costume's description. "He's got his green card, but it's from another planet! Sure to get some laughs, the Illegal Alien Adult Costume includes an orange prison-style jumpsuit with 'Illegal Alien' printed on the front, an alien mask and a 'green card.'"
But not everyone thinks the costume is sure to get some laughs.
It's "distasteful, mean-spirited and ignorant of social stigmas and current debate on immigration reform," says Angelica Salas."
Some funny stuff.
The original headline read "Immigrants Not Amused...By Halloween Costume", but who cares?
ILLEGAL immigrants may not be happy, but why should they? Since when is it our job to make criminals all warm and fuzzy? That there pursuit of happiness deal was for...take a deep breath now, socialist assholes...American citizens. The story is from an LA newspaper so take it all with a grain of salt, but even La-La-Land should know the difference between crooks and genuine immigrants.
Asking too much, I know.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
RodHam Dodgin' Them Bombs And Bullets....AGAIN
Hillary Clinton suffers ‘mis-speaking’ relapse with Belfast bomb claims
Hillary Clinton has been caught out “mis-speaking” again in a manner that suggests that she hasn’t learnt from past experiences of her globe-trotting, “lily-gilding” speeches.The US Secretary of State was exposed during her battle with Barack Obama to become the Democratic presidential nominee over her claims to have landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.
She was even described as “a wee bit silly” for claiming greater credit than was her due for the Irish peace process, having made several visits to Northern Ireland as First Lady.
She was back in Belfast last week, giving a gentle push to politicians dragging their heels over a final piece in the peace process jigsaw.But according to the Sunday Life newspaper, during a speech she made to the Stormont parliament she said that Belfast’s landmark Europa Hotel was devastated by an explosion when she first stayed there in 1995.
The Europa, where most journalists covering the decades-long conflict stayed, was famed as Europe’s most bombed hotel, earning the moniker “the Hardboard Hotel”.
However, the last Provisional IRA bomb to damage the Europa was detonated in 1993, two years before President Clinton and his wife checked in for the night.
Mrs Clinton told assembled politicians at Stormont: “When Bill and I first came to Belfast we stayed at the Europa Hotel ... even though then there were sections boarded up because of damage from bombs.”
This, ya see, isn't all that unusual. For a politician in general, and a Clinton in particular.
Hillary is of course the poster child for forked-tonguedness, having nary a scruple in her entire being and accustomed to uttering so very many lies as to be incapable of remembering the actual truth.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Extreme Folder

Fate. Kismet, full frontal folderol. Whatever.
While back I acquired two Extreme Ratio RAO knives. Sent one to a friend overseas, kept one to fool around with. Tell you one thing, I've never used, owned, or fiddled with so strong a folder. Folders are important for lots of reasons. For me, the capability of carrying something useful but concealable is the bomb.
Whilst I was "testing" the one I kept, well, I finally snapped the friggin thing. Pretty much on purpose too, as it was going neck and neck with a Ka-Bar until they both gave up the ghost. One after another. Ka-Bar said see-ya after I pounded it once too often into a knotty tree limb; blade snapped just above the handle. The RAO made it through where Ka-Bar's fear to tread then kablooey, snapped about two inches from the blade's tip when being introduced to another, nastier-ass hunk of timber.
Rough use, my ass, I was in one of those moods. After having been told how damned Herculean the RAO family is I decided to see for myself. Hey, you'll be AS dumb once you're retired too.
Anyways, long story short because I'm not on the mood to do much more. The friend overseas died. His family sorted out his personal effects and today I received the barely used RAO he'd been working with and keeping me abreast of. He liked it. I took a shaky shot of it right out of the delivery box but if you want to see one done by a pro then click on the link I included above.
Next best thing to a fixed blade.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Live From Gatorland USA...
Still ironing out the kinks from moving. And breaking in a new knife that I'll be commenting upon as soon as I've beaten it to a pulp enough to have an opinion.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Michelle Obama And This Strange Thing Called THE TRUTH
Michelle Obama in Copenhagen. Where she and hubby Hussein spoke about themselves, and nothing else, failed to even mention how terrific the US and/or Chicago is, and oh yeah, lied their lying asses off as usual.
Carl Lewis made his first Olympic appearance in 1984. Michelle was 20. Guess daddy and her were real close.
For more of "As The Stomach Turns", click into STACLU.
Monday, October 05, 2009
...Back In The Saddle Again...
One of the good things about having resources during a recession is the wherewithal to jump on a good deal when one becomes available, and believe you me, there's plenty of them out there.
Anyhoot, things are up and running and as glitchy as ever...thank you Microsoft and Google and all you other virus manufacturers parading as benign software peddlers.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
France warns US on deal with Iran
France is anxious about the Obama administration’s pursuit of a deal on Iran’s nuclear programme, warning that the US must not allow Tehran to expand its uranium enrichment without facing fresh sanctions.
As world powers await a critical meeting with Iran in Geneva this week, diplomatic attention is focused on a proposed deal under which Iran might put about 80 per cent of its low-enriched uranium out of potential military use."
And isn't this the bitch of all imaginable bitches...
Telling US to be bold.
Gonna take me YEARS to get over THIS embarrassment.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Jugheads Shoe-In Shot Down
WASHINGTON, Oct 2 (Reuters) - "U.S. President Barack Obama's politically risky Olympics gamble failed to bring home the gold on Friday, with the Olympics committee's refusal to grant the 2016 Summer Games to his hometown Chicago.
And wasn't it FUN listening to the cable talking heads on how Chi-Town was a certifiable LOCK to get the summer games?
Not that you can blame these morons. Since THEY have fallen in love with the jackass they're CERTAIN that the rest of the world must have as well. But its yet another reason to worry about the naivete of both the Obo camp and the state run media that loves him.
BOTH group of fools actually thought that personality would make a difference, and didn't figure on the corrupt Olympic big shots simply selecting whomever guaranteed them more kickback bucks.
This fool and his clumsy brethren can't nail down an Olympic bid, but expects us to believe he can talk the Iranians out of nuking the Jews?
And as for this being a "risky trip", bullshit. Those that love him will STILL love him and those that hate him get to have a good laugh at his expense.
Precisely how a court jester is SUPPOSED to act.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Just In Case $575 Big Ones Didn't Ring The Old Bell...

Specifications/Benchmade Gold Class Osborne: $850
- Blade Length: 3.40"
- Blade Thickness: 0.115"
- Blade Material: Hakkapella Damasteel
- Blade Hardness: 58-60HRC
- Blade Style: Modified Reverse Tanto, Ambidextrous Dual Thumb-Studs
- Weight: 2.90oz.
- Clip: Tip-Up, TiCn Silver Split-Arrow
- Lock Mechanism: AXIS
- Overall Length: 7.87"
- Closed Length: 4.47"
- Class: Gold Class
- Made in USA
The First Ugly: "It's a 'sacrifice' to travel to Europe to pitch for the Olympics."
"In her speech in Copenhagen today, First Lady Michelle Obama said her trip to Denmark, along with the travel of her "dear friend" and "chit-chat buddy" Oprah Winfrey, as well as tomorrow's visit by President Obama, is a "sacrifice" on behalf of the children of Chicago and the United States. "As much of a sacrifice as people say this is for me or Oprah or the president to come for these few days," the first lady told a crowd of people involved in the Chicago project, "so many of you in this room have been working for years to bring this bid home."
"As first lady, as many of you know, I’ve made it a priority to bridge the gap between the White House and communities across D.C. and across the country," Mrs. Obama continued. "I’ve spent much of my first nine months trying to open the doors to the White House to kids who might not otherwise see themselves having access to these institutions, because that’s where I came from – communities like that where kids never dreamed that they could set foot in the White House, let alone live there…And Barack and I made a point of doing the same thing when we lived in Chicago – making the concerns of kids in all sorts of communities our own."
And there you have it.
This disgusting witch believes that pitching in for something the little people want is a sacrifice.
Not a DUTY, mind you.
Heaven forbid.
There was a time when I believed that such cretins existed in small enough numbers as to be insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
That was before the democrat party began breeding them like so many commie rabbits.