I was taken aback when Mr. Fancy Schmancy shouted "A pox on both your houses!" as I was unaware that he knew of my summer home. Founding member of the Hogtown Irregulars, and former indentured short order cook still on the run. Professional Zamboni racer and bronze medal recipient in the 2010 All-Miami Outdoor Zamboni Championships.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Florida woman within law in shooting
And now all the accusations can be put to rest. She didn't set up Johnny Ray Clark, nor did she shoot him to collect on a life insurance policy, the Pensacola resident said.
Assistant State Attorney David Rimmer, citing the state's "Stand Your Ground" law, said Caraway, 54, had reason to believe she was in danger when she shot Clark, 45, on Nov. 28.
Caraway grabbed a .357 revolver and fired after hearing noise outside her Langley Place Road home and seeing the silhouette of a "big man."
The man, who turned out to be Clark, was outside a sliding glass door that had been opened. The shooting was reported at 6:41 a.m.
"I know I told the truth all the way," Caraway said. "I have been exonerated here on earth, and I will be exonerated when I meet my maker."
Clark's father, Ray Clark of Cantonment, called the investigation into his son's death "lousy."
Ray Clark said his son meant Caraway no harm and had only gone to her home to get a gun scope.
Ray Clark said his son had mentioned to his mother he was going to Caraway's home to get his scope.
"She begged him not to go," Ray Clark said.
Ray Clark said his son might still be alive if he had listened.
"If hindsight was good as foresight, we all would be geniuses," Ray Clark said. "If it wasn't for that bloomin' gun scope ..."
Caraway said there was never a gun scope at her home.
The reason Johnny Ray Clark went to Caraway's home remains unclear, Rimmer said.
"Why didn't he knock on the door and say, 'I'm here to pick up my gun scope,' " Rimmer said.
Caraway said she is sorry about Johnny Ray Clark's death.
"It's been very, very hard," Caraway said. "I sympathize with the family, but I didn't know it was him."
Even if she did know, the law gives Caraway the right to defend herself, according to the investigative report on the shooting.
"Under the circumstances of this case, Miss Caraway had reason to believe that someone, even if she knew it was Mr. Clark, was attempting to enter her dwelling," the report said. "Under (Florida law), this person is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act."
In the Gunshine State, there is no duty to retreat. Without knowing a great deal more about the story its difficult to get a spot-on feel, but it appears that the ex-boyfriend was looking for more than just his old scope. Regardless. Break into someone's home and all bets are off. She was 54 and lived alone. Cannot ask a woman to sit back and welcome victimhood. Time and again I've told Lisa that should she NOT hear our codeword during times of stress, then blaze away baby. If I'm dumb enough to lock myself out and dumber enough to try forcing myself in and dumberer enough not to identify myself then the gene pool just got a good slug of chlorine.
Why Gun Shops Suck
G-27 with 7 spare magazines. Original box with the expanded test rounds still in their little manila envelope. Cleaning gear, etc. Just as it came from the factory. Standing behind the jerkwad I was dickering with was a tray of Glock magazines, the crappier looking ones going for $15 a throw, the new ones $30.
Bear in mind that this was a USED G-21 I had my eye on. Too many 40 calibers and not enough 45's for those wishing to know why I'd want yet another G-21. Besides, I want a swamp gun. Something like my Mossberg. If it falls overboard then who cares. Well, who cares too much. A reliable platform that I am familiar with but could part with should the parting get good.
Let's say the shop could sell each of my 7 spares for $20 apiece. Brand spanking new, mind you, but benefit of the doubt and all that jazz. That's $140. Inside the used firearms counter, there's a G-26, shabbier by far than my 27, and they are asking $450 for it.
The used G-21 had a sticker proclaiming it could be had for $500.
So the deal from their perspective was as follows: My 27, the extra 7 mags, and $250. The cash PLUS the mags means a cool $390. The gun would have immediately gone in the case for at least $450.
Which means...
I would have been laying out $840 for a used Glock 21. That they most likely paid less than $400 for, TOPS.
A $440 windfall is a decent deal?
I'm not saying that my gun and the spares would have been an even swap, hell, they're in business so why not throw in another $100 or thereabouts to make it a deal both parties should have been pleased with.
I carry a gun because I refuse to be a victim.
While in Sioux City, I posed a hypothetical to the guy at the Scheels gun counter. Same deal. An almost NIB G-27, 7 spare mags, for a used G-21. The man said he couldn't let me walk away with a newer 21 as an even-steven swap, but I could have an older 2nd generation that looked good to very good without any cash changing hands. The magazines would have more than made up the $50 difference between the price of the guns.
Of course I couldn't even think of doing the deal because my G-27's were lawyered up back in Florida. It DID embolden me to try the local yokels once again, but never again.
Oh, and sorry for all the math. For those of you in Rio Linda, don't try this at home and just take my word that it was a BAD DEAL.
Officers out in full force for downtown Knoxville protest
KNOXVILLE (WATE) -- "Close to 300 Knoxville police officers, Knox County sheriff's deputies, and Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers kept close watch over a white supremacist rally Saturday in downtown Knoxville.
The 30 or so protestors came from across the United States to Knoxville to argue that national and local media are not giving enough attention to black-on-white crimes. The issue they are thrusting to the center of their message is the double murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
Knoxville police closed several streets around Main Street to keep the protestors and a large number of counter-protestors apart from each another.
The counter-protestors, assembled on the other side of Main Street, showed up in greater numbers. They argued the white supremacists were exploiting the double murder to advance their racist platform.
Neo-Nazi leader Alex Linder, 40, said to be the organizer of the rally, was arrested after police say he entered a control access zone in the middle of Main Street..."
Well of bloody course the media focuses upon even the hint of white on black crime as opposed to the real world of black on white. Even though it is virtually unheard of, the Duke faculty tripped all over themselves to be the first to condemn the very thought of a white male raping a black female, even though there is no manner by which to quantify such criminal acts because they happen so infrequently as to be less than a blip upon the radar screen of rape statistics.
And how's about this for irony. 30 white guys show up to protest the fact that blacks committing crimes against whites aren't reported upon, and it takes 300 cops to keep the blacks from proving the white guys right.
Simply cannot make this stuff up.
Must have been some bad ass crowd to warrant 300 cops, eh? Good thing there weren't any reports of shots fired, as there wouldn't have been near enough bushes in town for them to hide behind.
Rare Rhino Dies at San Diego Zoo

SAN DIEGO — A rare northern white rhinoceros died Wednesday at the San Diego Zoo, dwindling the critically endangered species' population to as few as 13 worldwide, zoo officials said.
Nadi was one of three northern white rhinos at the zoo's Wild Animal Park. No cause of death was given, but the female rhino had shown signs of old age, the zoo said in a statement.
Pictured: Nadi the white rhinoceros showing signs of aging.
Michigan Man Fined for Using Coffee Shop's Wi-Fi Network
"...His troubles began in March, a couple of weeks after he had bought his first laptop computer.
Peterson, a 39-year-old toolmaker, volunteer firefighter and secretary of a bagpipe band, wanted to use his 30-minute lunch hour to check e-mails for his bagpipe group.
He got on the Internet by tapping into the local coffee shop's wireless network, but instead of going inside the shop to use the free Wi-Fi offered to paying customers, he chose to remain in his car and piggyback off the network, which he said didn't require a password. He used the system on his lunch breaks for more than a week, and then the police showed up. "I was sitting there reading my e-mail and he came up and stuck his head inside my window and asked me who I was spying on," Peterson told FOXNews.com. Someone from a nearby barbershop had called cops after seeing Peterson's car pull up every day and sit in front of the coffee shop without anybody getting out. "I just curiously asked him, 'Where are you getting the Internet connection?', you know," Sparta Police Chief Andrew Milanowski said. "And he said, 'From the café.'" Milanowski ruled out Peterson as a possible stalker of the attractive local hairdresser, but still felt that a law might have been broken. "We came back and we looked up the laws and we figured if we found one and thought, 'Well, let's run it by the prosecutor's office and see what they want to do,'" Milanowski said." That's the spirit of the law, Chief. Drag someone off the street because you "feel" that some esoteric law might be in the process of, gasp, being broken, then pester the DA's office to make sure someone goes to jail for something. Doesn't matter if the law is a joke. Doesn't matter if no one was being harmed or even offended. Look at virtually ANY law abiding citizen hard enough and long enough, and kerplooey. They're certain to break SOME law. That really isn't how it was intended to be in the land of the free and the home of the brave, Chief. And I'm quite sure that were it one of your own, there'd be no talk of calling the DA, now would there. Job security. Law enforcement style. With enough laws on the books there's plenty of work for everybody.
Ja, Mein Fuhrer!! Next Vee Take Avay Their Kidneys Because Da Rich Vuns Can Afford To Buy MORE!!
Hillary Rodham. Nashua, N.H.
Thanks for the heads-up from Heartless Libertarian
A Few Of My Favorite Things...
Here are the lyrics she used:
Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting,
Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,
Bundles of magazines tied up in string,
These are a few of my favorite things.
Cadillacs and cataracts, and hearing aids and glasses,
Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses,
Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings,
These are a few of my favorite things.
When the pipes leak,
When the bones creak,
When the knees go bad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad.
Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions,
No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions,
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,
These are a few of my favorite things.
Back pains, confused brains, and no need for sinnin',
Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin',
And we won't mention our short shrunken frames,
When we remember our favorite things.
When the joints ache,
When the hips break,
When the eyes grow dim,
Then I remember the great life I've had,
And then I don't feel so bad.
How To Withdraw From Iraq
"...In Iraq, the U.S.-led military presence is sanctioned by the United Nations, and has been twice endorsed by the Iraqi people in free elections with massive voter turnouts. Both the U.N. and the elected Iraqi government have the right to demand an end to the Coalition's military presence at any time.
But withdrawal must be considered in light of how these forces serve Iraqi and U.S. interests. The U.S.-led Coalition in Iraq has three key functions:
* To train, equip and combat-test the new Iraqi army and security forces. This task is expected to be largely complete by 2009. The new Iraqi army now has 129 battalions, of which almost half have already been tested in actual combat.
Despite the fact that most NATO allies have failed to meet their quotas for training a new Iraqi officers' corps, the resurgent Iraqi army is beginning to have the minimum of cadres and commanders it needs to function on its own.
* To fight the various terrorist groups still operating in two or three provinces plus some neighborhoods in Baghdad.
Fighting terrorism is a long-term business, however. Egypt needed 22 years to crush its terrorists; Algeria hasn't yet won complete victory against its enemies after 12 years. Crushing terrorism took Turkey nearly two decades, and remnants of the monster are still able to strike occasionally. Thus, the Coalition's withdrawal from Iraq can't be conditioned on a complete and final defeat of the various terrorist forces now operating there. What is important is to have an Iraqi army capable of doing what its Egyptian, Algerian and Turkish counterparts did over many years.
* To deter Iraq's predatory neighbors from intervening in its affairs. This task seldom receives the attention it merits.
The Islamic Republic's ambitions in Iraq are too well known to be detailed here. And it was no accident that Tehran produced Muqtada al-Sadr like a magician' rabbit out of a hat on the eve of U.S.-Iran talks in Baghdad last week. Tehran thinks the Americans will leave Iraq once President Bush is out of the White House, and is determined to take the credit for having "driven the Great Satan" out of the region. It is obvious that Iraq, even if its new army is fully functional, will not be in a position to defend itself against Iranian military pressure combined with terrorism by Tehran-backed armed groups across the board.
But the Islamic Republic is not alone in nurturing dangerous ambitions in Iraq. Turkey, too, is looking for the first opportunity to advance its own agenda - both directly, via military pressure, and indirectly through the Turcoman ethnic minority. Ankara cites the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), which granted Turkey "rights of observation" in Mosul and Kirkuk. In the last decade of Saddam Hussein's rule, Turkey also obtained the right to send troops into northern Iraq, ostensibly in hot pursuit of Kurdish armed rebels. It is obvious that the new Iraqi democracy can't allow Turkey, or any other neighbor, such privileges.
Although less dangerous, if only because they lack the clout, Syria and Jordan also harbor ambitions of their own in Iraq.
Thus, new Iraq would need an allied military presence to deter threats from its neighbors and allow its fragile democracy to strike roots. A similar situation existed in 1950s West Germany, where NATO's presence protected the new democracy and deterred the Soviet threat. The U.S. military presence in South Korea continues to play a similar function in support of the democratic government in Seoul and as a deterrent to Pyongyang's ambitions.
It is not unreasonable to think that the bulk of the U.S.-led Coalition forces could be out of Iraq by the spring of 2009, leaving behind a token military presence designed to deter the schemes of Iraq's dangerous neighbors. The next general election in 2009 will allow the Iraqi people an opportunity to decide whether or not they wish the U.S. and its allies to offer them that help.
The U.S. intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq has created a new status quo that needs to be defended, just as was the case in postwar Europe and the Korean Peninsula.
Iranian-born journalist Amir Taheri is based in Europe.
I can't remember how many times I've said that the situation in Iraq absolutely boggles the mind with regards to how very much has been done in so short a period of time. Not so for the liberals who want all that and a bag of chips, but imagine if a democrat were President. We'd be hearing on a daily basis how marvelous a feat this has been, and the Jurassic Press would be tooting a dems horn long and loud. Relax, America. And when Hillary takes over she can show us how it REALLY should be done so there's a light at the end of this bloody tunnel.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
More On The Pressure Wave Theory...
If a bullet has a lot of kinetic energy, but does not lose the energy rapidly as it passes through tissue, it will not have much potential for injury or incapacitation."
Michael Courtney
In other words, an FMJ with 800 ft/lbs of KE that zips right through a target is in no way preferable to a mushrooming projectile (that also sheds some mass) of the same ballistic signature.
Basically, but with many caveats, Dr. Courtney has "proven" that light and fast is better than slow and heavy, as long as the other half-million variables involved in a man-to-man shoot are the same.
BUT...be aware, be VERY aware that self-defense shoots are not always wide open shots into the upper center of mass. Arms, hands, and implements often get in the way of a bullets path to Hi-COM, and lighter projectiles simply do not have the necessary mass to overcome incidental contact. For hunting purposes this is another story. Encountering an armed deer is quite rare so one or two bad hits is not the end of the world.
He posts some interesting info over at Glock Talk. I force myself to link to them because this is important information that can be used to save lives.
Even if his works all but stamps a seal of approval upon the infamous Strasbourg Goat Tests. But that's another story.
Pistol-packing parks worker fired in Pompano for carrying unauthorized weapon...
Pompano Beach · "For years, city worker James Daniels packed a gun when closing city parks at night.
It didn't do him any good.
Daniels, 72, said he was robbed by three attackers while trying to close Kester Park -- a picnic area with ball fields in the northeast part of the city.
Thieves took $50 and his .38-caliber Smith & Wesson. Now the city has taken away his $14.54-an-hour public works job.
"The only city employees that are allowed to carry guns are police officers," said Michael Smith, the city's human resources director.
Daniels says he closed about 18 parks a night. He starts about 6:30 and finishes about 11 p.m. He said he frequently was harassed. Kids threw eggs at him and he had to kick out people who sleep in the restrooms. At times, he added, he called police to help him shut the parks.
"It's kind of frightening now really," he said. "I need the money, yes, but I don't need the hassle."
He said he didn't know carrying a gun was a violation of city policy.
State records show Daniels possesses a concealed weapons permit that expires in 2009. He said he carried the chrome, snub-nose revolver in a holster on his hip. His shirt covered it.
A nine-year employee, he said he started carrying the gun after his personal car was stolen while off duty a few years ago in the northwest area. "I didn't carry it when I first started [my parks job]," he said. "I think I must have been carrying for the last couple years."
Commissioner E. Pat Larkins lashed out at the Public Works Department after hearing about Daniels' termination. Larkins questions whether Daniels should have been fired.
"Nobody is crazy enough to go out alone without a gun to close the parks," Larkins said.
Smith doubts he needed the weapon.
"I'm not sure why he would feel threatened in Kester Park," Smith said. "I'm hard pressed to find a justification ... to find a reason why a city employee should carry a firearm."
Daniels met with Public Works Director Rob McCaughan on May 15 and was fired a day later. According to Smith, there were no other job complaints involving Daniels until the robbery brought the gun to his bosses' attention.
A Broward Sheriff's Office report said the robbery happened on a Sunday about 9:30 p.m. after Daniels finished locking the restroom doors at Kester Park, 801 NE Fourth St. Two men came up and pointed guns at his head. One man "stuck the gun in my face and said, `Give it up old man,'" he said. A third man came from behind, stole $50 from his pockets and the gun still in the holster.
"I was OK. Just a little shook up and nervous," said Daniels, who watched the men drive away.
Larkins said he has asked the city to look into safety measures for employees assigned to shut down parks.
"There is no compassion for some guy who is putting his damn life on the line, every night of the week," Larkins said.
Melissa Hoyos can be reached at mahoyos@sun-sentinel.com or 954-356-4233.
Yes. You CAN Create A 10mm Round That Will Exceed 357 Magnum Ballistics...
Ann Coulter Gets Semi-Serious On ILLEGAL Immigration...
"Americans — at least really stupid Americans like George Bush — believe the natural state of the world is to have individual self-determination, human rights, the rule of law and a robust democratic economy. On this view, most of the existing world and almost all of world history is a freakish aberration.
In fact, the natural state of the world is Darfur. The freakish aberration is America and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world.
The British Empire once spread the culture of prosperity around the globe — Judeo-Christian values, tolerance, equality, private property and the rule of law. All recipients of the British Empire's largesse benefited, but the empire's most successful colony was the United States.
At the precise moment in history when the U.S. has abandoned any attempt to transmit Anglo-Saxon virtues to its own citizens, much less to immigrants, George Bush wants to grant citizenship to hordes of immigrants who are here precisely because they are fleeing cultures that are utterly dysfunctional and ruinous for the humans who live in them.
Yes, this country has absorbed huge migrations of illiterate peasants in the past — notably Italian immigrants at the turn of the last century. But also notably, half of them went back. We got the good ones. America was not yet a welfare state guaranteeing room and board to the luckless, the lazy and the incompetent from cradle to grave.
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, immigrant and first Jewish member of the Supreme Court, said that Americanization required that the immigrant adopt "the clothes, the manners and the customs generally prevailing here" and that he adopt "the English language as the common medium of speech."
But, Brandeis said, this is only part of it. "(W)e properly demand of the immigrant even more than this — he must be brought into complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations and cooperate with us for their attainment. Only when this has been done will he possess the national consciousness of an American."
Or as George Bush would call it, "empty rhetoric." And as Linda Chavez would call it, "racist."
I wish our new immigrants had come to America back when the foundations of civic society and patriotism were still inculcated in all immigrants (and when half of them went home). But traitors who are citizens have destroyed all acculturating institutions. Traitors who are citizens have also destroyed all incentive for the poor to work or even keep their knees together before marriage.
Until the recipient culture is capable of doing an effective job of Americanizing immigrants, it's preposterous to talk about a massive influx of Hispanic immigrants accomplishing anything other than turning America into yet another Latin American-style banana republic. And it is simply a fact that no one is trying to turn immigrants into Americans.
To the contrary, Democrats are trying to turn new immigrants into wards of the state — and with some success! — so they will be permanent Democratic voters. Rich Republicans and their handmaidens in Washington are trying to turn immigrants into a permanent servant class."
We bloggers have been saying this for quite some time, so it's good to see a "name" Conservative who understands the reality of the illegal immigration issue.
Americans are scaring the leftists, scaring them like nobody's business. This is why they wish to change America, once and for all, and reintroduce something akin to one of their infamous pet projects that a million men had to die for. It was called The Civil War, and the TOTAL number of deaths most likely exceeded a million, but was without a shadow of a doubt absolutely worth it. Yeah, easy for me to say, I know. And look at the mess we all inherited once people unaccustomed to civilization wrought upon this great country.
But it's time for an imaginary Million Man March. To honor all those who died and to the best of my knowledge, have never ever been thanked by the likes of Al and Jesse. To put this in perspective, there were 25,000 combat fatalities during the Revolutionary War. Britain only had 35,000 soldiers and never stood a chance of truly subjugating the 13 states, but I digress.
The fact remains that many men have gone to war for the principals that made this country what it was, and for the dreamers among us, what it someday will again become. To honor the memory of those who gave their lives, if for them and for nothing else, it is the duty of each and every one of us to prevent illegals from changing what true Americans wrought.
We are, as Ann says, the freaks of humanity. Better than being the dregs. Like our liberal "friends".
Wednesday Travel Tips
"Cardiff, located on the banks of the River Taff, is the capital and largest city (320,000+ inhabitants) of Wales. It's a busy commercial, maritime and university city.
Ornate interior of Cardiff Castle |
During Victorian times it was the biggest coal-exporting city in the world. Cardiff's most famous citizen was the wealthy second Marquess of Bute, who, in 1839, built Cardiff's docks to export the coal mined from his father's valley lands.
He amassed a fortune, which the third Marquess took advantage of to build the eye-stunning Cardiff Castle on medieval foundations within a Norman wall. He enlisted William Burges as his architect and built the castle with every conceivable decoration possible in its interior."
Lem had posted this while I was away. In an effort, of this I am certain, to get me to travel to Cardiff. Seems like a pretty place.
Gun Rights Policy Conference
I would like to personally invite you to our 22nd annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), which will be taking place October 5, 6, and 7, 2007 at the Drawbridge Inn and Convention Center in Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky (Cincinnati, Ohio area, next to the airport).
With the new battles over individual rights in the age of terrorism, attacks on our gun rights from the UN as well as a number of Second Amendment cases in the courts, the theme of Freedom's Future? is most important as we set the pro-gun rights agenda for the year to come.
This year GRPC will be action-packed. With over 50 speakers hand-picked from the leadership of the Gun Rights Movement, the topics to be presented promise to have an impact that will help direct the path of our cause for years to come. Scheduled speakers this year include: myself, Joe Tartaro, Wayne LaPierre, John Lott, Massad Ayoob, David Kopel, John Snyder, as well as staff from the Second Amendment Foundation, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, KeepAndBearArms.com, and Gun Owners of America. A number of elected political leaders have been invited as well.
As in the past, the Second Amendment Foundation will not only pick up the tab for lunch and snacks, but will also provide more than $125 worth of vital pro-gun rights materials to each attendee.
In addition to the luncheon and free materials, you will have the opportunity to chat with the speakers at the two evening NSSF and NRA planned receptions.
This event is so important to our cause, that the SAF Board of Trustees has elected to help underwrite the entire cost of the event. Your cost to attend this event is absolutely free!
Because of the number of people who travel every year to attend this event, I have negotiated a special discount room rate for GRPC attendees. Reservations for the special discounted room rate of $69 per night can be made by calling 1-800-354-9793, and telling them you are planning on attending the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation.
If you have any questions, please call the SAF office at (425) 454-7012 to register. You can also register online at our GRPC Registration & Information Page, or send an e-mail to grpc2007@saf.org, or fax us at 425-451-3959.
Sincerely yours, Alan M. Gottlieb |
I'll have to google everyone except Wayne and Massad, and in reality should stop there but don't want to presume an inherent lameness in all because of said quality in a few. What Ayoob has to do with a "Gun Rights Policy" is beyond my ken, and it seems that our brothers in arms are happy with limiting such discussions to those that need no persuasion of it's importance. What we need are those with a far broader appeal, not the same-old, same-old hive-minders that ask for donations so that they may preach to an even larger choir. Which leads me to the "free" part. If we fly to Kentucky for 3 days and spend 70 bucks a pop...to stay in Kentucky, mind you...we'll get a free lunch while listening to pitches from over 50 speakers.
I'd have to see a politician or two and some popular Conservative authors on the docket before even thinking about girding the old loins to spend time in Kentucky. But like a good little gunner I pass along the news for you to make up your own mind.
Fred To Toss His Hat In By July
Just remember where you heard it first and after all of the experts finally come around to seeing the handwriting on the wall then make as if they thought of it all by their lonesome. Fred may very well believe that the internet can catapult him into the Oval Office but its not as if he'll be the only one grassrooting the web.
Be Sure Of Your Target...
STRATFORD, Conn. — "An off-duty New Haven police officer shot and critically wounded his 18-year-old daughter, apparently mistaking her for an intruder after she sneaked out of their Stratford home and re-entered through the basement.
Eric Scott, 41, on the New Haven force for nine years, has not been charged in the Tuesday shooting.
"Mr. Scott was under the impression his daughter had gone to bed for the night," Stratford Capt. Thomas Rodia said. "He did not expect his daughter to be outside or down in the basement."
Investigators said Tasha Scott left her home late Monday to meet a boyfriend. She triggered a backyard motion sensor light as she tried to enter through a basement door.
Awakened by the light, Eric Scott spotted someone moving in the basement bathroom, police said. He fired his department-issued pistol once, hitting the teen in the knee. The bullet traveled up her leg and lodged in her thigh area, police said.
Her father called 911, authorities said.
The teenager underwent surgery and was listed in critical but stable condition Wednesday morning."
"Up her leg and lodged in her thigh." Okay. If the bullet hit bone it could have fragmented and sent pieces willy nilly. All sorts of things can happen when an obviously untrained person discharges a firearm. But make no mistake; this was not accidental. This was a negligent shooting, and no, he won't be charged with a damned thing but he should be. This had to be one wild ass shoot if the guy couldn't even recognize the target as being his own daughter. But to me, it stinks to high heavens.
Mid-May, 2006...During The Height Of Last Season's Gator Frenzy...
BRADENTON, Fla. — "A woman has shot an alligator that came into her home and attacked her dog.
The alligator was only 3 feet long, but Candy Frey wasn't taking any chances. When the reptile came into the lanai of her home east of Bradenton Saturday and attacked her golden retriever, Frey went and got her gun.
After Frey and her daughter managed to push the gator out of the lanai through the dog door, she blasted away at it four times.
"I was running on so much adrenaline," the 48-year-old former U.S. Marine aviation technician told the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. "I just freaked out and shot him — boom, boom, boom, boom."
A neighbor called deputies and the state sent a wildlife officer to investigate.
The alligator barely bled from gunshots to the neck and shoulder, Frey said, and wildlife officer put it back in the lake.
The deputy gave Frey a warning citation for hunting without a license..."
Check out the related stories if you've a mind to, but unlike Ms Frey, try to remember to use enough gun. Last I heard, the scuttlebutt was offering that she plinked away with a .25 automatic, but 9 mm's barely get even a small gator to take notice he's being shot. Small brain, dense hide, prehistoric pain tolerance. No. I'm not talking about Hillary. Be extra careful around alligators. The right .40 caliber handgun ammo will work in a pinch, a hot-loaded .357 is even better, but think of them as sidearms and not what you'd prefer to use for such reptilian goings on. Hate to say it but a .45 ACP is just too slow to get in deep enough to do damage that will end a confrontation then and there. The experts tell me that hitting them in an eye, behind the head at the base of the neck, or damaging some dental work is the best way to stop an attacking lizard. Fast, HARD bullets.
And lets not even make mention my reaction to the lady receiving a warning from officer Fife.
And Now A Word From An Old Sponser
Okay, California lard asses. If anyone has heard tell of anything named after Lance Corporal Worley, then speak up. Doesn't matter if it's a street, a High School, a damned Dempsey Dumpster.
Hog Boy Says He Durned DID Shoot That Pig...

"An 11-year-old Alabama boy caught in the center of a humongous hog controversy denied his monster kill was staged Wednesday in an interview with FOXNews.com.
"I just want to say it’s not fake," said Jamison Stone of Pickensville, Ala.
Stone made news last week when the world learned of his massive kill, a 1,051-pound feral hog, which he shot eight times with a pistol on a Georgia hunting preserve. But the young man soon found himself in a media maelstrom when some Web sites questioned the veracity of the photographs.
"He did kill that pig," the boy's father, Mike Stone, told FOXNews.com. "Those pictures are not doctored."
Jamison, who recently completed the sixth grade at Christian Heritage Academy in Carrollton, Ala., shot the pig on a hunt May 3 at the Lost Creek Plantation in Delta, Ga., with a .50-caliber revolver. His story made national news and the family traveled to New York to talk about their adventure, but blogs soon claimed to be able to prove the photos were faked.
"No pictures have been touched," the 11-year-old told FOXNews.com. "They first were saying I couldn’t shoot the gun, but I could and I did."
The boy's pig adventure is documented on http://www.monsterpig.com, where the response from the public has been about 85 percent positive, Mike Stone said. "Regardless of what the negative e-mails say, we're not ashamed of the fact that we actually hunt," Mike Stone said." Its a given that the tree-huggers would be clamoring to weep over a dead hog, and nearly as much of a sure thing that the internet's chairborne commandos would stand in line to poo-poo the pig party. Yes, Virginia; people do kill animals in order to then eat them. Yes, Deadeye-Dick; an 11 year-old can shoot a .500 S&W. Yes, Zumbo-lovers, the swine was as real as Jim himself. And last but not least, YES, Christian-haters (psst...this means the media), the story is true even though the participants are the ones you so love to despise. PS: Saw a new in box long barrel .500 at a Scheels in Sioux City that was on sale and would have scarfed up the thing were it not for our anti 2nd Amendment government and the thugs who enforce their commie ass "laws". PPS: Should Scheels open a store in Florida they'd soon run out of guns to sell. And run out of business the thieves masquerading as gunshop owners, too.
Europe-Wide Donor Card Proposed
"The EU could soon introduce an organ donor card covering all member states.
The idea has been proposed by EU Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou, as a way to increase the number of organs available for transplant operations.
A survey showed most Europeans support using donor cards - but only 12% actually carry one.
Around 40,000 patients are on EU waiting lists for a transplant, and it is thought ten people a day die waiting in vain for a donor organ.
The Commission's strategy paper suggests guidelines are drawn up to control the supply of surplus organs to countries in need.
It also proposes creating organ transplant coordinators in hospitals and making better use of living donors.
Mr Kyprianou said: "Organ donations save lives. A European organ donor card, and common EU standards on the quality and safety of organ donations and transplants, could secure a sufficient and safe supply or organs."
Widespread support
An opinion poll carried out for the European Commission in late 2006 and published on Wednesday said 81% of EU citizens "support the use of organ donor cards".
It also found that 56% of Europeans are willing to donate one of their organs after they die.
Support for the idea of donating an organ was highest in Sweden (81%), and lowest in Romania (27%).
The Netherlands recorded the highest take-up of donor cards (44%), followed by Ireland (29%).
However, use of donor cards was extremely limited in member states which have joined the EU since 2004.
Dutch television will air a reality show this week in which a dying woman chooses a recipient for her kidneys. The EU executive and the Dutch government said the show was unethical.
However, the maker, BNN argued the show highlights the shortage of organ donors."
When the medical profession begins donating their time, just as free as any of my organs would be, I'll sign a donor card myself. Until then, they'll have to find someone else ready willing and able to provide them the means to charge $10K a pop for the average transplant. And thats just the surgeons share. A new kidney can cost as much as $150K, so but of course docs around the world want MORE donors.
Chavez Continues To Warn His Free Press
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has denounced what he called fresh plots to destabilise his government, after he closed an opposition TV channel.
He urged supporters to be on alert for a coup attempt and threatened a second TV network, Globovision.
Thousands of people across the country protested for a second day after Mr Chavez's decision not to renew Radio Caracas TV's (RCTV's) licence.
Police, government supporters and protesters clashed violently on Monday.
'Enemies of the homeland'
In a national address shown by all TV stations, Mr Chavez defended his decision to close RCTV as a public service, denouncing the 53-year-old station - Venezuela's most popular - as a "permanent attack on public morals".
He also called news network Globovision an enemy of the state, attacking its coverage of the protests against RCTV's closure.
"Enemies of the homeland, particularly those behind the scenes, I will give you a name: Globovision. Greetings, gentlemen of Globovision, you should watch where you are going," Mr Chavez said.
"I recommend you take a tranquiliser and get into gear, because if not, I am going to do what is necessary."
On Monday, Venezuela's government announced it was suing Globovision for allegedly broadcasting material to incite a possible assassination of Mr Chavez. It also accused US news network CNN of linking him to al-Qaeda. Globovision and CNN have both denied the claims.
In his broadcast Mr Chavez also accused protesters and opposition media of stirring unrest.
"Sound the alarm in the hills, neighbourhoods and towns to defend our revolution from this new fascist attack," he said.
Opposition TV channels openly supported a coup against him in April 2002 and refused to air massive pro-Chavez demonstrations at the time."
You know they've been scared out of their little half-wits when they begin shutting down the media. Just like here, yes, right here, where liberal politicians are doing their level best to destroy conservative talk radio. Now, for all our ballyhooing about being such a free media country, which we all know is abject bullswaddle, there certainly isn't an alternative media outlet to be found because blogs still don't count.
The main function of a free press is not to provide Paris Hilton updates but to keep our lords and masters on their toes. You now, the ones who take our money under threat of incarceration or worse. The ones who forcibly abscond with our hard earned dollars so that they might clothe, feed, and house others who don't feel up to working for a living. The ones who feel that the mere mention of a religious belief is establishing state sanctified worship. The ones who trample daily on most of the Constitution in order to accumulate favor with the dregs of society.
Poor Hugo IS scared witless and ya know what?
So should our "leaders". We've, you see, a history of petitioning the government when we're ticked off with their behavior. At least for now we can. Until Hillary becomes President, that is.
Well Met Hale Fellows
For a moment I couldn't figure out who the man was. Dressed in an expensive Italian knit suit that was a reasonable Armani knockoff, the squinting gentleman was a tad harried as he searched for his gate number, but still stopped to say hello.
Bingo. THAT'S why he looked so familiar. Senator Joe Biden was alone and headed for the airport in Newark when he paused to shake hands. No carry-on luggage, no entourage, no Secret Service. Lisa looked over and winced along with the Senator as we male bonded with a word or two while I tried not to squeeze his surprisingly small hand into oblivion. Guy stands maybe 6-1 and has the paw of a 12 year-old. "Friend of yours?" she asked when I returned to hover around her chair. Nah, not really. I explained to whom I had been addressing and she nodded before going back to her book. No harm, no foul. I don't sit around awaiting planes but sort of go into a continuing roam so it's not surprising that when in large airports I happen to run into the rich and famous.
Little fingered Joe, the ultimate politician. Tossed out a million watt smile and a "Great to see ya, have a good flight."
You too, Senator Joe. Sorry about the hand.
We Get Letters
Seems that a local LOEWS...one that I've had a run in or two with myself...has been up to their old tricks again and has been hassling concealed carry citizens. Apparently they placed a No-Guns-Allowed sign on one of the entrances, and this is the same store that I've taken to task about this several months back.
First of all, a place of business that permits public access without prior appointment is on shaky ground by pulling the old PUBLIC PROPERTY and we can do as we WANT, trick. They of course cannot. They cannot break a city, state, or federal law by prohibiting certain types of people from entering their premises, and in fact the store in question does not even own the property, but leases it.
When I first contacted the property owners they told me that LOEWS has no business telling ANYONE who is conducting his or herself in an otherwise legal manner, to leave. There is nothing in their lease agreement that stipulates a particular ban on firearms, or for that matter blacks or hispanics, and any attempt to create such a ban is against the wishes of the property owner. As long as the person is operating within the framework of the law, said person cannot be prohibited from parking, walking to and from the lot and into the store itself. In Florida, such signs are not legal barriers from doing business on the property, BUT, if a duly authorized employee of the business asks someone to exit then said someone SHOULD do so. Then it's trespass and all parties involved can dispute it in court. A dispute that LOEWS will not win because of the aforementioned agreement with the actual property owners.
No, you do not HAVE to shop in a gun-unfriendly business establishment. That isn't entirely true because some local disabled Vets must pick up their prescriptions at the local Wal-Mart, but that's another tale for another day, and banning THEM from entering would be a can of worms. But an establishment cannot pick and choose who can and cannot be seen on their property. They can't post NO BLACKS ALLOWED. Well sure they can, but the fallout would be horrific because the blacks are far better at protecting THEIR rights than gun owners are.
Bottom line is to contact LOEWS Corporate and bitch until they can no longer stand the bitching. But if an employee says you can't come in if armed, then you must leave or face the consequences when an officer of the law...sworn to uphold the Constitution, I might add...arrives and tells you to, or go to jail.
Beaners Boo Miss USA

Lots to catch up, but lets start with some fluff. Yeah, virtually EVERYONE we pull from the gutter and help, anywhere in the world, eventually begins hating us because we ask them to at least follow our laws. That's the bottom line with the illegal mexicans traipsing across one border after another. They are breaking the law, we want them to stop, so they are pissed.
MEXICO CITY — It wasn't Miss USA's night.
Booed mercilessly at the Miss Universe pageant by a Mexican audience angry at U.S. immigration policy, and seen by millions of TV viewers as she slipped and fell on the pageant stage, Miss USA Rachel Smith nonetheless managed to take the high road and offer her Spanish-speaking hosts an enthusiastic, "Buenas noches Mexico. Muchas gracias!"
Smith, 22, from Clarksville, Tenn., who was crowned Miss USA last March, was continuously jeered by the mostly Mexican audience during the pageant's interview phase.
Miss Brazil is the babe in the silver, Miss Japan appears to be wearing something from Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, and while not a bow-wow is no way Miss Universe material, and poor Miss USA never did get the hang a'them high heels. And while I was unaware that Mexicans sported wood over crosseyed gals, it might be a way to lure the illegal ones into being captured. Full-sized posters of Miss NipponThese stapled to a paddy wagon door might be just the thing.The Fits Man Cometh
Saturday, May 26, 2007
No CCW For You
Iowa sucks. Most of the midwest sucks regarding CCW attitudes, because it's Fudd-ville.
See ya's all when we return.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Packing Packing Who Gets The Packing
But no reach-around.
We exit Floridian terra swampa at 7 AM Saturday morning. On To Ill-Annoy for a quick change of unsafe at any altitude plastic flying things, then over to Iowa. Since no flight is longer than 3 hours, all these cheap SOB's will give us to consume is a "soft drink".
Joy. It has been decades since soccer mom's banned cigars on commercial aircraft so I'll instead be sucking my nicotine inhaler. Purchased at a convenience stand at Heathrow. Over the counter. No prescription. Here they want you to shell out $150 or so, along with but of course a prescription, to stay away from cigarettes because it should be the biggest hassle imaginable. The upside is the wonderful little smoke shop I'll be visiting not long after touchdown. I'll exit the store chewing, smoking, puffing, and absorbing as much tobacco as one human being could possibly tolerate. My in-laws abhor tobacco so there's also the plus in that they'll be sniffing like chow-chows in heat all a'wonder as to who could possibly have had the unmitigated nerve to carry such odious goings-on inside their demesne.
I might post another before we leave, depending upon how irritable I feel after getting up at 2 AM.
Oh hell, almost forgot.
Happy Memorial Day.
Speaking Of Big Fat Pigs

Rosie Bites the Dust
ABC says Rosie O'Donnell is leaving 'The View,' two days after her ugly on-air battle with Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
That Is One Big Fat Pig

An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog that just may be the biggest pig ever found.
Jamison Stone's father says the hog his son killed weighed a 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.
If the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.
The Anniston Star reported that the feral hog was weighed at the Clay County Farmer's Exchange in Lineville. Workers at the co-op verified that the basic truck scales used were recently certified by the state. But no workers from the co-op were present when the hog was weighed. Jamison is reveling in the attention over his pig, which has a Web site put up by his father — http://www.monsterpig.com — that is generating Internet buzz. "It feels really good," Jamison, of Pickensville, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big." Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Hogzilla II. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot. "I was a little bit scared, a little bit excited," said Jamison, who just finished the sixth grade on the honor roll at Christian Heritage Academy, a small, private school. His father said that, just to be extra safe, he and the guides had high-powered rifles aimed and ready to fire in case the beast with 5-inch tusks decided to charge." Good thing they had high-powered rifles in case the .500 S&W Magnum couldn't do the trick. Depending upon the load, it'll kick out 30-06 respectability but with a much wider bullet but of course. 9 shots? Ah heck, he's only 11. Good job kid.
30 Years Ago, In An America Far, Far, Away....
What people do not know, or disremember, is the fact that Star Wars was severely panned by the science fiction community. Because the science sucked. The howl went forth that should such a badly done effort become popular, it could very well herald the end of the thinking man's SF. The anti-Star Wars movie, Silent Running, was a quick attempt to bring science back to science fiction but the damage had been done and there WAS no turning back.
I was therefore a closet Star Wars fan. Impossible to openly admit such low standards because I was too old to proclaim innocence about the matter, I willingly disbelieved the schmaltz behind closed doors and so what if Darth was really Doctor Doom, and pretty much everything else of interest had been stolen from one SF or comic book offering or another. Lucas tossed together everything that had ever worked into one series of movies and while he may have been a thief, he was a thief who knew his stuff. Heroes, villains, babes and muppets. H. Beam Piper's estate went ballistic when the Ewoks were introduced, as they were nothing less than a direct rip-off of the late author's Little Fuzzies, and I doubt there's a man alive other than Lucas himself who knows just how many folks were paid off to drop one law suit or another. The polite way to say it is that they settled out of court.
A lot. By then Lucas could afford it, and soon even the outrage from betrayed adult SF fans began to dwindle because fighting wasn't working so perhaps the kids could be drawn to science fiction then told the sad facts of life after they'd become hooked. You can't hear explosions in space. Rifles and handguns firing light-particle munitions can't be ducked by anyone with human reflexes. The Flash could, Superman could too. But that's another story.
May 26th marks the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars franchise. Beginning tomorrow, it has been 30 years since most kids knew a damned thing about real science and who doubts that the country as a whole isn't a helluva lot dumber. We might even be able to blame it for todays liberals. But I'm certainly no lefty and heaven help me I enjoyed it. Well, I didn't enjoy the young Vader, that's for sure. I'm stupid but not dumb. Maybe even the other way around but even since we're worse off because of Star Wars, it had to happen and it did and that's that.
Ralph Peters Takes On The Human-Wrong-Lovers
After the Fatah al-Islam terrorists holed up in a Palestinian camp carried out a wave of bombings, bank robberies and assassinations, Lebanon's struggling democratic government ordered its army to stop them. The Palestinian refugees themselves applauded the army's efforts, stating that few of the terrorists were local and most were fanatics from other Muslim states. The terrorists ruled with the gun and sought to enforce Sharia law. Their victims want them gone.
The response from Human Rights Watch? Ignore the crimes of the terrorists and criticize the Lebanese army for attacking them "indiscriminately."
That would be travesty enough for one week, but it was only a sideshow. Each year, Amnesty International releases what purports to be an objective global survey of the state of human rights. Sounds like a great idea, but the report has long since degenerated into an effort to protect terrorists and mass murderers from justice - and bash America.
In its latest report, Amnesty International denounces the United States again. This time, it seems we're the foremost global abuser of human rights.
Oh, if you keep reading, rogue states such as Zimbabwe, China, Sudan, Russia and Iran get tut-tut mentions, although North Korea just sounds like a weight-loss spa. Except for our democratic ally, Colombia, only the United Kingdom appears remotely as savage as the United States.
Reading about American heartlessness made me want to move to Saudi Arabia, where women never see their rights abused and believers of every faith are free to worship. And if I want a beer, I can hop over to Venezuela, where everything's free.
The sad truth is that the misnamed "human-rights community" just may be the worst enemy of human rights without a country of its own. There are real human-rights tragedies unfolding every day, from Harare to Havana, but activists don't give a damn about the average Joe or Miguel or Ali.
It's all about saving celebrity mass-murderers. And their advocates' Freudian issues with Uncle Sam. Guantanamo is one of the world's best-run prisons, where terrorists are treated all too indulgently. But to hear the human-rights charlatans, you'd think we were the SS at Babi Yar..."
The big name righty's are finally catching on. That "unintended consequences" simply means that WE hadn't figured out the game plan but the enemy sure did. Without true hell-holes there can BE no human-rights-commissions. Nothing to inflame people of good will, and therefore no group to step in and hoodwink civilization into believing that someone has an eye on today's mass-murderer's.
And yes; but of course China is a rogue state and thats why I abhor Wal-Mart.
You Know An Issue Is Important When The Frontrunners Backpedal...
May 25, 2007 -- "TO UNDERSTAND why the Senate immigration bill won't survive in its current form, look no further than what the presidential candidates in both parties have said about it.
Almost every one of them is opposed to it.
Democrats Barack Obama and John Edwards, reflective of the left, say it's too harsh. Mitt Romney and most Republicans, aware of outrage on the right, say it's too lenient and amounts to "amnesty."
Some of the most encouraging reviews come from Hillary Rodham Clinton and Rudy Giuliani. Keenly aware of how politically explosive immigration is for the base of both of their parties, they are running from the issue.
Clinton went as far as promising to read the proposed legislation "carefully" before passing judgment on it.
The only candidate on either side to wholeheartedly embrace the bill is Arizona Sen. John McCain, who helped craft the compromise. And it very well may prove to be his final undoing because the Republican base is most furious about it."
The Bill is, as we all know, too lenient and therefore De-Fence-Less. Hillary though, will be looking carefully at it, because she's been fooled by men so very many times she doesn't want this to be Tease-Rodham, Issue 7,442.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
She's Proud And Wants To Talk

have no interest in getting into a screaming match about how guns don't kill people, people kill people.
But I think it's about 28,685 lives past time -- that's the number of violence-related gun deaths in 2004 -- to talk about it.
Initially, it can be a thoughtful, reasoned talk that focuses on the hypothetical. What might happen if there were fewer guns in America? I mean, it'd be a good thing if the only weapon a robber had to wield was a stick, right? What if gang wars were settled by fists, not firearms?
Yes, many more people die each year in car accidents than from gunfire and no, no one is arguing that cars be banned. But neither am I proposing that guns be banned.
Can we discuss this without condensing the argument to polar either/or's? Our nation is not known for conversations that probe the expanses of gray on any issue, but can this be different?
I don't have the solution. But I know we need to have a discussion. Unless, that is, you're still waiting for just the right person to be shot..."
Okay, here's my 2-cents, Wendi, so lets communicate on this. Over 99.8% of the people I associate with, law abiding gun owners, do not commit crimes with firearms. And there there's your side, Wendi. The side where much of the gang warfare and criminal activity resides. I'll talk to my people if you promise to speak with yours, and we'll see who comes up with the greater percentage of folks willing to listen.
Deal? Or is getting down to precisely WHO it is doing these awful deeds far too real-world for ya?
More Kudos To Dave.
YAY! Rudi Switches To The Side Of The Good Guys!
Giuliani later backpedaled -- saying decisions on concealed-carry permits are up to the states -- but his answer had been different to Julie Trevor, of Stowe, Vt., at a campaign stop. Trevor told Giuliani she gets nervous every time she enters New York while toting a concealed handgun she got for protection after her house was burglarized.
"It concerns me that I have to worry about that when I go across the New York State border, because of what would happen to me if I got caught with that weapon," which is legal in Vermont, she said. "What would you do to protect my right to carry a concealed weapon?"
Giuliani's days as a crusading anti-gun mayor are behind him now that he's running for president, and Wednesday he staked out a simple test for concealed-carry permits, which are tightly controlled in New York. He asked two questions -- Are you a criminal, and have you ever been institutionalized? -- and to the laughter of the audience, rendered his verdict when she said no to both.
"As far as I am concerned, you can have a concealed weapon," he said. "The Constitution of the United States in the Second Amendment gives you an individual right to bear arms; that individual right is as strong as your individual right to free speech, free assembly, being safe against unreasonable searches and seizures."
Outside the event, Giuliani said his test came from a recent federal court ruling overturning a tough District of Columbia gun ban, which set what he considered "reasonable" limits on gun ownership. He said he believes that individual states should decide who can carry weapons."
Julie Annie still doesn't see anything wrong with stamping null & void to the Constitution just because minorities happen to kill a lot of people with guns and since liberals cant stop THEM, they go after us.
Thanks to The War on Guns.
Illegal immigrants found working for federal government

No. Hillary's papers were in order back when she was running the Health Care show for Bubba. This is almost as bad.
IDAHO CITY -- "Fourteen illegal immigrants were arrested and face deportation after being picked up at an Idaho City hotel.
It happened late Tuesday night and now they're in the Ada County Jail.
The men were working for a contracted employee of the U.S. Forest Service.
They had been working for about 10 days, with one week left.
According to the Forest Service, the contracted employer is Cutting Edge Forestry Inc. out of Talent, Oregon.
The contractor is required to turn over paperwork regarding their employees and then the Forest Service sends that paperwork to the immigration office.
It’s there that officials realized the men were in the country illegally..."
Hey, at least they caught THEM. Think of all the other traitors who are still at large. The one's who spit upon the Constitution day in and day out.
"I'm going to have take some rights away from you for the common good...I'm going to have to take some rights away from you for the common...."
If I'd my druthers, I'd take the undocumented mehicano's over the documented liberals any day.
The Hogtown Irregulars Put In An Open Call For New Members...
As The Lowlife Chinese Continue In Their Atttempt To Poison The Entire Civilized World...
"A frozen product labeled monkfish distributed in three states is being recalled after two Chicago area people became ill after eating it, the importer announced Thursday.
Hong Chang Corporation of Santa Fe Springs, Calif., said it is recalling the product labeled as monkfish because it may contain tetrodotoxin, a potent toxin.
While the frozen fish imported from China was labeled monkfish, the company said it is concerned that it may be pufferfish because this toxin is usually associated with certain types of pufferfish.
Eating foods containing tetrodotoxin can result in life-threatening illness or death and the toxin cannot be destroyed by cooking or freezing.
The company said two people in the Chicago area became ill after eating soup containing the fish. Analysis by the Food and Drug Administration confirmed the presence of the toxin.
Some 282 22-pound boxes of the fish were distributed to wholesalers in Illinois, California and Hawaii, according to the company beginning in September. The fish was sold in retail stores, restaurants and cash and carry stores in these regions."
Everyone should visit china at least once. Because leaving is so pleasant.
So Now We Know Who's Using All That Fuel And Driving The Price Up ....

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - "The U.S. Navy staged its latest show of military force off the Iranian coastline on Wednesday, sending two aircraft carriers and landing ships packed with 17,000 U.S. Marines and sailors to carry out unannounced exercises in the Persian Gulf.
The carrier strike groups led by the USS John C. Stennis and USS Nimitz were joined by the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard and its own strike group, which includes landing ships carrying members of the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
The Navy said nine U.S. warships passed through the narrow Strait of Hormuz on Wednesday. Merchant ships passing through the busy strait carry two-fifths of the world's oil exports.
Aircraft aboard the three carriers and the Bonhomme Richard were to conduct air training while the ships ran submarine, mine and other exercises.
The maneuvers came just two months after a previous exercise in March when two U.S. carrier groups carried out two days of air and sea maneuvers off the Iranian coast.
Before the arrival of the Bonhomme Richard strike group, the Navy maintained around 20,000 U.S personnel at sea in the Gulf and neighboring waters.
U.S. warships have frequently collided with merchant ships in the busy shipping lanes of the Gulf."
Exercises are good. They sharpen the senses, and scare the ever loving shite out of our enemies. And make no mistake, the iranians, like all cowards, are terribly frightened whenever someone stands up to them. Not so members of the Jurassic Press, who like the dumb dame that wrote this story, think that including closing lines such as U.S. warships have frequently collided with merchant ships in the busy shipping lanes of the Gulf, is going to turn the entire galaxy into anti-American troglodytes such as themselves, and cannot be frightened unless by an editor telling them that he'd like to see more facts germane to the story and less editorializing.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Boehner Stiffens On Immigration
Boehner: Immigration Bill Is "Piece Of Shit"
House Minority Leader John Boehner, (pronounced...never mind) speaking to a private gathering of Republican activists last night, called the Senate's immigration compromise bill a "piece of shit" but said that he had promised President Bush earlier in the day that he would let his teeth be a barrier to such thoughts in public.
Boehner spoke last night at a small reception for the Republican Rapid Responders on Capitol Hill.
"I promised the President today that I wouldn't say anything bad about ... this piece of shit bill," he said, according to two attendees.
Earlier in the day, Boehner released a statement saying that "The Senate agreement appears to recognize that additional border security measures and more effective immigration law enforcement must come before any other issues are addressed, but I have significant concerns about parts of the Senate proposal -- particularly provisions that would reward illegal immigrants who have consistently broken our laws."
Messenger Exclusive..............
Ex-Secretary Gets 8-Year Sentence for Trying to Sell Coke Secrets to Pepsi
ATLANTA — "A former Coca-Cola (KO) secretary convicted of conspiring to steal trade secrets from the world's largest beverage maker was sentenced Wednesday to 8 years in federal prison.
Joya Williams, 42, had faced up to 10 years in prison on the single conspiracy charge in a failed scheme to sell the materials to rival Pepsi (PEP) for at least $1.5 million. She was convicted Feb. 2 following a jury trial in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, where The Coca-Cola Co. is based."
In sparing no expense, Messenger has uncovered the secret Coke Company Formula that Ms Williams was attempting to sell to Pepsi!...Taste, schmaste. Get celebrities to endorse the various products, advertise the hell out of the brands needing a push, and try to keep them from smelling too bad..."
Houston police said Robert Clayton, the boy's 17-year-old brother, grabbed a towel when he went to take a shower at their home on Hialeah Drive near Antoine Drive at about 10 p.m. Saturday.
A gun fell out of the towel and Clayton set it on a desk, police said. The gun went off and a bullet struck Matthew Clayton in the face and neck, police said.
"The gun went off." This is but of course just another instance of the Jurassic Press striving mightily to instill the fear of firearms amongst us. They can be stolen, They can be taken from your hands and used against you. They can magically go-off.
Thanks to ACE
"We are not safe, and we will not be safe for many years,"
40,000 supposed gang members and who do they think they're kidding by low balling the real number.
EVERY city, state, and municipality is frothing at the mouth to sidle closer to the Homeland Security trough of taxpayer dollars, and racket squads such as those in LA will quote unidentified terror-connected bloggers who've suggested targeting Los Angeles till the cows come home, but please now.
The way to protect law abiding citizens is to disarm them? Then weep that you can't even stop the gangs let alone Osama's boys? If you or I went up to OUR bosses and said we weren't up to doing the job, how long would WE remain employed?
Way to go, law enforcement.
Thanks to The War on Guns.
American Slavery: A History
"Cheap labor is necessary for the United States to grow and prosper..."
1865 to 1965
Slavery is discontinued, made illegal, and shunned as the travesty it was.
Ted Kennedy Pushes Through His Brainchild: The Immigration Act, stating that cheap labor is necessary for the continued growth of the United States.
Ted Kennedy finds enough like-minded Republicans to once again introduce slavery into the United States by opening the borders with Mehico and allowing uneducated workers into the country to be used as cheap laborers.
2008 (?)
President Hillary Rodham pledges an open border to allow more potential slaves into the United States.
Flying The Grouchy Skies
I'll be leaving a detailed note under the doormat explaining my departure and estimated time of return. This is for the best. The club can wait a few more days, especially since I will be gone through an important Holiday and nothing cerebral should ever be attempted over the Memorial Day Weekend. Nor Christmas, New Years, The 4th of July, Armistice Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, October 22 (Daniel Boone's Birthday), Boxing Day, ANY Full Moon, Labor Day, Flag Day, Inauguration Day, Columbus Day, Presidents Day, Groundhog Day, St. Patrick's Day, April Fools Day, or Arbor Day. All to be duly noted in the bylaws of The Hogtown Irregulars.