Coming Soon...
The World's Strongest, Bestest, Toughtest Folder...
As seen by Fits.
No, this isn't it; just a little number that can be seen in more of its glory by clicking the headline linkerooni.
I was taken aback when Mr. Fancy Schmancy shouted "A pox on both your houses!" as I was unaware that he knew of my summer home. Founding member of the Hogtown Irregulars, and former indentured short order cook still on the run. Professional Zamboni racer and bronze medal recipient in the 2010 All-Miami Outdoor Zamboni Championships.
And Darwin Smiles...
"A Missouri man reportedly shot himself in the head accidentally while teaching his girlfriend about gun safety.
According to witnesses James Looney was insistent on giving his girlfriend a personal lesson in firearm safety Friday before taking her to a shooting range, MyFOXMemphis reported.
As part of the tutorial, Looney demonstrated different safety features on several firearms then put the guns to his head and asked if they would fire, Jefferson County Sheriff told the station. The third gun actually went off.
The 40-year-old was pronounced dead at a local hospital the next morning — the same day he was to take his girlfriend to the range, the station reported."
ALL guns ARE loaded."During a briefing by (self-appointed national mommy) Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, NBC White House reporter Chuck Todd sneezed into his hand, and not his sleeve.
Without missing a beat, the Obama administration's point person on swine flu quickly demonstrated proper procedure…sneeze into your arm!"
The sneeze-into-your-arm DEMAND is of course for peons only.
The Emperor, you see, emits pure diamond-trimmed gold dust and can damned well spread it to anyone at will.
As can be seen from the following video.
"The scandal surrounding the left-wing activist organization ACORN has spread to New York, with employees at its Brooklyn office caught on video helping supposed ladies of the night get loans for their dream houses of ill repute.
Rather than reminding the women that prostitution is dangerous and illegal and advising them to change their careers, counselors at the social-services group shockingly offer suggestions on how they can launder their earnings.
"Honesty is not going to get you the house," a loan counselor at the offices told two activists posing as a mortgage-seeking pimp and prostitute.
"You can't say what you do for a living."
ACORN workers in two other cities, Baltimore and Washington, DC, had already fallen hooker, line and sinker for the hidden-camera sting operation by two conservative activists."
Now why would ANYONE think that african-Americans would take umbrage at helping someone set up a sex-SLAVE operation?
Does this seem to be bothering Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? How's about the Irish fella with lots and lots of melanin who was elected President with ACORN's help?
The yellowstream media? Nary a peep from the Times or the Washington Post or ABC, NBC, CBS, et al.
After all, wasn't it the blacks THEMSELVES who sold other blacks into slavery?
'Course it was. All of this phony baloney weepy freedom shit is merely to con guilty-feeling whites into giving them more and more of the pie they don't wanna work for.
Pretty much all of these monstrosities masquerading as human beings should die from slow stomach cancer. After their dicks and tits fall off.
"On September 8, 2009, United States District Judge Bruce D. Black of the United States District Court for New Mexico entered summary judgment in a civil case for damages against Alamogordo, NM police officers. The Judge's straight shootin' message to police: Leave open carriers alone unless you have "reason to believe that a crime [is] afoot."
The facts of the case are pretty simple. Matthew St. John entered an Alamogordo movie theater as a paying customer and sat down to enjoy the movie. He was openly carrying a holstered handgun, conduct which is legal in 42 states, and requires no license in New Mexico and twenty-five other states."
And but of course the cops for all intents and purposes plead mightily that they shouldn't be held responsible because, after all, fuck the Constitution because guns are some scary ass shit.