Saturday, March 08, 2008

Clinton Revises Remark on Women in Miss.

HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) - "Democratic presidential contender Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to backpedal Friday from comments she made in October suggesting Mississippi was a backward place for women's progress.

Speaking to radio station WJZD-FM in Gulfport, Miss., the former first lady said the comments she made about the state in the run up to the Iowa caucuses "were not exactly what I said," even though they came directly from an interview she gave to the Des Moines Register in October.

Clinton was on a campaign swing through Mississippi before Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary.

The newspaper quoted the New York senator discussing Iowa and Mississippi being the only states that have never elected a woman governor or sent a woman to Congress."

Amazing, isn't it, that the militant femi-nazi's are so very concerned about women's issues except when it comes to criticizing Islam's horrid human rights record regarding females.

Hillary SHOULD be safe, after all. Who'd want THAT head as a trophy.

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