Sunday, January 25, 2009

More From The Cute & Cuddly 3rd World Amongst US

Wouldn't let her sleep, so she shot him

"A Monroe woman, who said she was angry because her boyfriend wouldn't let her sleep, shot him with a small-caliber handgun, according to an arrest affidavit.

Charged with aggravated battery was Roshonda Anding, 21, of 3002 Burg Jones Lane. She remained in Ouachita Correctional Center on Saturday afternoon with no bond set.

The arrest affidavit said Ouachita deputies found the victim in his car at the intersection of Beverly Street and Morton early Saturday. The victim had been shot once in the hip, and was taken to LSU Medical Center.

Deputies said they encountered the suspect walking in the vicinity of the shooting scene. The affidavit said Anding led authorities to the handgun, which she had thrown into a culvert.

"Anding was cooperative," the affidavit said, and "only stated that she shot (the victim) because he was bothering her and wouldn't let her sleep."

At least Roshanda spoke some semblance of English. Maybe. Being somewhat new to the "can-you-top-this" litany of imbecilic surnames created by those not content with acting and looking thick-witted, but wish to be known as such right from the get-go by a startling moniker, I really can't tell if what they belch out truly is English.

"Roshanda" certainly is not. But some discarded the "melting pot" idea long ago in favor of worlds within worlds. Just because history teaches us that it never works is no reason to shake one's head at such goings on. Wait long enough and they'll do something even sillier.

Like not using enough gun to finish off a persistent boyfriend.

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