Sunday, February 15, 2009
Another Peaceful Moslem Takes Exception To A Woman Still Wearing Her Head
"An (NY) upstate TV exec who set up a channel promoting Muslims as peace-loving people was stressed about his failing business in the days before he allegedly chopped off his estranged wife's head, a friend of the couple said today.
An order of protection barring Muzzammil Hassan, 44, from the couple's upstate home had been taken out by his wife, Aasiya, 37, less than a week before she died.
The couple was in the process of divorcing after bouts of domestic violence, her lawyer told the Buffalo News.
Hassan, who founded Bridges TV in 2004 to counter anti-Islam stereotypes following 9/11, turned himself in to cops Thursday in the Buffalo suburb of Orchard Park. Police later found his beheaded wife in the TV studios."
#1) She should'a had a firearm for protection and shot the bastard dead in his tracks.
#2) Peaceful this, peace-loving that, it's all the same. When stressed we revert back to our upbringing. Killing her wasn't enough, hells no. This cultist, and make no mistake, islam IS a cult, just had to destroy this innocent woman in the crudest, most horrific manner he could think of. Just like Daddy taught him.
Full Frontal Fat-Assed Folder From Cold Steel
More than one senior NCO has raved to me about the effect whipping out one of these bad boys has on a skinny. The Cold Steel Rajah II is 6" of derring-do even if it is AUS8.
$88.30 plus shipping and its all yours.
Let's face it; folders just don't come much bigger.
Fixed Blade Knife Of The Week
Ontario's 1095 steel Spec Plus Marine Combat. This 7" blade comes with a leather/cordura sheath, and at $38 is quite a good deal for such able-bodied steel. Zeke Slaughter has used this particular model for a time, and the only problem he's had is losing one after another. I've told him he needs to switch to something with a bright-orange blade but he doesn't listen.
Something about waiting impatiently for the Fed-Ex truck to rumble by, that is addictive to a fault.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
"Guns In The Workplace"
Click to visit Chuck Klein's page; and feel free to copy, save, and use this sign. If only the Hogtown Irregulars had a place of business believe me, I'd be plastering this sucker all over the place.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Birthday To Abe And Chucky
Open-Carry...Use It Or Lose It
The oldtimers here tell me that back when Florida was an open-carry state, one of the ways the law-enforcement-backed anti's convinced the local yokelry to forget about packing iron in the light of day was to remind them how most law abiding Christian folks aren't as rude as all that, and besides, it's the damn visiting yankees that bitch and moan about prancin' about in front of God and everyone sporting a hog leg.
The "We Don't Use It Anymore's So Why Not Give It Up" defense against open carry. The "Haven't We Gone Far Beyond The Need To Play Cowboy" line of reasoning that swayed many a Fudd into believing that covering up one's gat was merely a polite way of showing everyone just how downright civilized we all were, and besides, all a man really needs anyway is a good rifle or shotgun and nobody will EVER think of taking those away.
We all nearly bled to death from those never ending little cuts that at the time didn't seem all that important to far too many of us. And now face the uphill battle to retrieve what was once recognized as a universal, inalienable right, because if there's one thing besides our money that the government wants, it is total power over us in virtually every way. Hard for a Sheriff to push for his very own SWAT team and black helicopter and scazillion dollar state of the art live-fire mansion when the citizenry is handling things just fine thank you very much.
But fight we do, even if I'm forced to admit that getting open-carry back in Florida is looking lately like a pipe dream. Others have had better luck (I know, luck has nothing to do with it but don't get me started) and one place you can learn about them is at Open Carry dot Org.
This way, when the peaceaholics like the one in the accompanying pic arrive in your burg, you'll be forewarned and ready to laugh 'em out of town.
On a rail.
After a tar and feathering.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Why not make the "stimulus bill" a kazillion dollars?
All Americans who work for a living, or who plan to work for a living sometime in the next century, are about to be stuck with a trillion-dollar bill to fund yet more oppressive government bureaucracies. Or as I call it, a trillion dollars and change.
The stimulus bill isn't as bad as we had expected -- it's much worse. Instead of merely creating useless, make-work jobs digging ditches -- or "shovel-ready," in the Democrats' felicitous phrase -- the "stimulus" bill will create an endless army of government bureaucrats aggressively intervening in our lives. Instead of digging ditches, American taxpayers will be digging our own graves.
There are hundreds of examples in the 800-page "stimulus" bill, but here are just two.
First, the welfare bureaucrats are coming back.
For half a century, the welfare establishment had the bright idea to pay women to have children out of wedlock. Following the iron laws of economics -- subsidize something, you get more of it; tax it, you get less of it -- the number of children being born out of wedlock skyrocketed.
The 1996 Welfare Reform bill marked the first time any government entitlement had ever been rolled back. Despite liberal howling and foot-stomping, not subsidizing illegitimacy led, like night into day, to less illegitimacy.
Welfare recipients got jobs, as the hard-core unemployables were coaxed away from their TV sets and into the workforce. For the first time in decades, the ever-increasing illegitimacy rate stopped spiraling upward.
As proof that that welfare reform was a smashing success, a few years later, Bill Clinton started claiming full credit for the bill.
Well, that's over. The stimulus bill goes a long way toward repealing the work requirement of the 1996 Republican Welfare Reform bill and rewards states that increase their welfare caseloads by paying unwed mothers to sit home doing nothing.
Second, bureaucrats at Health and Human Services will electronically collect every citizen's complete medical records and determine appropriate medical care.
HHS bureaucrats will soon be empowered to overrule your doctor. Doctors who don't comply with the government's treatment protocols will be fined. That's right: Instead of your treatment being determined by your doctor, it will be settled on by some narcoleptic half-wit in Washington who couldn't get a job in the private sector.
And a brand-new set of bureaucrats in the newly created office of "National Coordinator of Health Information Technology" will be empowered to cut off treatments that merely prolong life. Sorry, Mom and Pop, Big Brother said it's time to go.
At every other workplace in the nation -- even Wal-Mart! -- workers are being laid off. But no one at any of the bloated government bureaucracies ever need fear receiving a pink slip. All 64,750 employees at the department of Health and Human Services are apparently absolutely crucial to the smooth functioning of the department."
It's Ann's job to turn gloom into doom. Hell, the handwriting was on the wall regarding Mr. Know-Nothing, Do-Nothing, plain as day for all to see. but enough braindead vegetative masses of wasted tissue believed that someone without portfolio could actually handle one helluva tough job.
So what's a gal to do but try and pound some sense into the electorate, and Ann does a pretty damn good job of it. There are those among us who believe America to be far stronger and tougher than Ann gives it credit for, who believe that elections are cyclical and yep, certifiable idiots DO take up residence in the Oval Office now and again.
We survived Jimmy Carter. Bill and Hillary Clinton for chrissake. Four years of Barry the Blowhard will reintroduce enough folks to reality, begging for a return to planet earth. Sure, the rebuilding will be a bitch, but that's what America is all about. Facing seemingly insurmountable odds and weathering one bitch of a storm. Facing community organizers who believe the Presidency to be an entry-level position, and somehow, some way, getting enough people to actually vote for them. Too many of our fellow Americans are dumb and lazy and looking for a handout, but we still outnumber them.
The real America will be back, and remember; that what does not kill us makes us stronger.
Even if Barack Obama did fuck everything to absolute shit.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So Ya Say The Witch Left You? Can't Fide Hide Nor Hair Of Her, But Boy Oh Boy When You Do...
If she lives in East Tennessee and did the smart thing and got a permit to carry a firearm, then the Memphis Commercial Appeal has done and listed her address for ya!
Then Shots Across The Bow found the addresses of the hierarchy of this rag and published it on his blog.
Then Assistant Managing Editor, Louis Graham replied that the addresses have been "removed from the database" after Uncle raised hell.
Then I found out all about it over at Ride.
Poland to 'Punish' Taliban Who Beheaded Polish Engineer
"Poland pledges to capture and "punish" the Taliban militants who beheaded a Polish engineer in Pakistan on Friday before delivering a video of the attack to the media, the Times of London reports.
Piotr Stanczak was reportedly kidnapped four months ago while working in the Attock district — a region close to Pakistan's lawless North West Frontier Province.
A video released to media outlets Sunday shows the beheading of Stanczak just minutes after he appears on tape urging the Polish government not to send troops to neighboring Afghanistan."
Now wait just a dad-gumbed minute...I thought all this beheading stuff was going to be a thing of the past once Barry straightened those moslems out?
And wasn't it just last week he was on Al-Jezeera TV telling Mo's dirty kids to play nice while at the same time assuring the civilized world that it has nothing to fear from islam?
Expecting me to believe that Poland has engineers is one thing. But Barry-Boy ran on the platform of speak softly and carry a big shtick and if that really isn't going to work then we need a do-over.
Oh yeah and before I forget...
Nuke these fuckers back to the protoplasm age.
Monday, February 09, 2009
The B-Team Has Met The Enemy And Decided That WE Are Easier To Take Down
"IMAGINE a terrorist setting off a bomb in your home, killing 17 friends and family members. Two years later, you learn authorities have caught the mastermind of the attack, who's confessed not only to bombing your house but other acts of terrorism.
Then, six years later, you hear that the charges against the killer have been dropped and that he might go free - while those who arrested and questioned him may face congressional investigation and even jail time.
If you can get your mind around this nightmare, then you can appreciate the feelings of retired US Navy Cmdr. Kirk Lippold, former skipper of the destroyer USS Cole.
On Oct. 12, 2000, terrorists set off a bomb alongside the Cole as it was peacefully moored in the port of Aden. The blast killed 17 members of Lippold's command and wounded nearly 40 others.
On Thursday, proceedings against the bombing's mastermind, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, were suspended and the charges against him dropped, thanks to President Obama's executive order putting on hold all military tribunals for terror suspects. The charges may be reinstated later, depending on the results of the administration's review of these issues. Where that review is leading is unclear - and al-Nashiri's release, despite his confessed guilt, becomes a real possibility"
Couple weeks in office and already the place is a shambles. That's what happens when amateurs and the blame-America-first crowd gets even a hint of real power.North Korea is giving Iran the capability to hit not only hit Israel, but our own Left Coast, the economic news gets worse each and every day, and Mr. Small Change's answer is to spend a trillion dollars erecting rainbow-themed latte stands on every street corner that give away tickets to a free abortion along with every double mocha.
We needed someone tougher than Bush and what we got was let-'em-go-Obo who wants to close Gitmo and send the killers here so that they can have celebrity chef's stop by more often....or...flat-out hand them first class tickets to the paradise of their choice because Holder, the true face of injustice if there ever was one, will be far too busy prosecuting the intelligence guys who helped keep the country safe since 9/11. That's when he finds some free time away from ridding the country of most of the Bill of Rights.
Not that I'm hoping for a terrorist attack on the most hated state in the Union, but maybe, just maybe, stopping a group of thugs right before they blow up the Golden Gate Bridge might drill some sense into those who voted for this incompetent clown.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
So yesterday we went to a wedding...
To the campus of the university (Small "u", they don't deserve a big one) of Florida.
Cue spooky music and Cut To:
Fits: Um, but that means I can't carry.
Lisa: Um, yeah, it does.
Fade Out to Fits strapping Ka-Bar to one ankle while hoping that the machete on the other ankle doesn't print too much.
Seriously, but what's a man to do. My CWP "allows" me to carry a frickin sword if I want to, but NO GUNS ALLOWED ON CAMPUS means I'm left to wishin' and hopin' that I can down a crazed killer with a lucky toss of a throwing knife. Sure I brought one. There'll be snowball fights in hell the day I drop to a knee and beg for my wife's life so that means rushing a gun with a blade and who the hell are the people who think this is cool?
Yeah I know. The same one's on their knees begging should the shit hit the fan.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Sheriff Hutchens Continues Her Jihad Against Concealed Carry
"In a mass email to constituents Thursday, Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby accused Sheriff Sandra Hutchens of mounting a “misguided jihad” against people requesting permits from her agency to carry guns.
Norby’s email blast urged law-abiding citizens to attend the next board hearing on Hutchens’ plan to scale back the number of concealed weapons permits. But it was the use of the term “jihad” to describe the sheriff’s proposal that upped the vitriol in his message."
"1869, from Ar., usually translated as "holy war," lit. "struggle, contest, effort," from inf. of jahada "he waged war, he applied himself to." Used for any doctrinal crusade since c.1880."
From the canonization of Saint Barack, to whatever million-loony-march you can think of, modern liberals have at long last found religion, and like most true fanatics are hell bent on lopping off the heads of those disagreeing with their deity.
Thanks to The War on Guns for the link.
On Top Of Being Incompetent, Lazy, And Without Merit, The Fool Is Late
WASHINGTON -- "There's a new time zone in the nation's capital: Obama Time.
Barely two weeks into his presidency, Barack Obama has made a clean break from George W. Bush in several high-profile moves, including reversing a number of the 43rd president's policies.
He's also reversed an unwritten but much-noticed Bush policy: Be on time, all the time.
Obama has been routinely late to events and news conferences, including the ones at which he reversed Bush's orders. This has led to an already familiar refrain from the Obama camp: "He's running late."
The president was 45 minutes late Friday for a ceremony in which he introduced a team of outside economic advisers. He was 10 minutes late Thursday to a memo signing at the Energy Department. He was nearly 30 minutes late Wednesday for the ceremony at which he signed a bill to expand children's health care.
Even before the inauguration, Obama wasn't a punctual sort; he arrived late to a Jan. 8 news conference on the economy that was aired live by broadcast and cable networks.
When it comes to following the clock, Obama closely resembles Bill Clinton, who was famously late to events when he was president. By contrast, Bush despised being late and was punctual to a fault. He set the tone early in his presidency -- he arrived at the Capitol five minutes early for his inauguration.
"To me, being tardy, it's got to be one of two things," said presidential historian Doug Wead, who advised both Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush. "Bad organization that can be corrected, or it's arrogance. It sounds to me like this is arrogance."Then of course there are the apologists:
"Mark Lindsay, a Democratic consultant and former senior White House adviser to Bill Clinton, disagreed, explaining that Clinton was late sometimes because he was making accommodations for logistics or average citizens.
"I would make the opposite observation," Lindsay said. "I would say that taking time to accommodate your schedule to regular citizens is not an act of arrogance. It's an act of humility."
As if there's ANY reason for a grownup to be forever tardy. Oh so often I've made mention of attention to detail. Professionals have it, successful ones at least, and it bespeaks volumes of goodness about a man who is punctual and refuses to the case of a President...the world wait.
OBummers handlers can hardly help it, though, as they're special people surrounding a special man, so how dare the little folk bitch about waiting to bask in his presence.
Friday, February 06, 2009
M...I...C......KEY...Why? Because We LIKE YOU....LOTS
I snitched this from Cookie's, but even after quite some time of full frontal Google-ing, couldn't find an accompanying story anywhere on the net.
Seems that both ladies were banned from Mickey's house for life, but for my money, the old rodent never looked so good.
Well. At least in the middle.
Waaaaaaaaa.....I Won!...Waaaaaaaaaaa
"The president should read the transcript of the third presidential debate. He claimed his program represented "a net spending cut." He called himself "a strong proponent of pay-as-you-go. Every dollar that I've proposed, I've proposed an additional cut so that it matches." He added, "We need to eliminate a whole host of programs that don't work."
Now, no president can adhere to every jot and tittle from his campaign, but the "I won" argument only works if the campaign program matches the governing program.
Obama himself seems confused on what exactly "I won" means. In a meeting with Republicans, he brandished "I won" as a defense of his version of tax relief. But he later used "I won" to push back against an excessive reliance on tax cuts, claiming that it had been repudiated during the campaign even though he talked every day on the trail of cutting taxes for "95 percent of working people" and never once mentioned a commitment to extreme deficit spending.
Obama has to make a case for the bill on the merits, a surpassingly difficult forensic task. In a Washington Post op-ed, Obama called for "swift, bold and wise" action, but it's possible to have at most two of those things at once. The current legislation is swift and bold (indeed, shameless) but not remotely wise.
The bill came out of the House with a price tag of $819 billion. It would spend more in 2011 alone than in this year, and more in 2012 and beyond than in this year. Why far-off spending priorities have to be set in a rush now is something no one can explain - except that congressional Democrats want to toss bulging sacks of cash out the door.
Obama writes that the bill "is more than a prescription for short-term spending - it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity." Fine. A long-term strategy deserves long-term deliberation, the hearings and other processes meant to exercise a check on legislating in a panic."
Oh for heavens sake, enough, already.The most liberal Senator in all the world...wait a minute while I check on Rome's Kato The Spender, he might have been as socialist as OhBummer is...gets elected by lying to the good folks who own America, and people are behaving, Conservative-minded people no less, as if this is a shock, shock I say.
We were so disgusted with his charade that many staunch and true patriots actually voted for McCain fer chrissake. There, that says it all. Time to call a spade a spade and stop making believe that the guy is smart and really really trying. Because all he's trying to do is make us as bankrupt as Europe just so they stop hating us.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Oh-Bummer Getting More And More Bitchy, Isn't He
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama fired the sharpest warning of his young presidency at Republicans who are mustered against his$ 900-billion stimulus plan for the plunging economy.
Obama has sought to build bipartisan support for his massive dose of tax cuts and infrastructure spending designed to waken dormant consumption and create between 3 million and 4 million jobs.
But he showed the first sign of impatience Wednesday, bringing up twice what Democrats say are discredited economic policies of president George W. Bush, which they contend helped cause the worst economic crisis since the 1930s.
"In the past two days, I have heard criticisms of this plan that, frankly, echo the very same failed theories that helped lead us into this crisis in the first place," Obama said, before signing a children's health insurance bill.
He took aim at the "notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems" and warned against the idea that the economic crisis could be tackled with "half steps, and piecemeal measures and tinkering around the edges."
Obama also faulted unnamed opponents he said believe "that we can ignore the fundamental challenges like the high cost of healthcare and still expect our economy and country to thrive."
"I reject these theories, and by the way so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change," the president said, in his most edgy partisan language in his two weeks in office."
This is like only the 7 thousand, 4 hundreth and 97th time he or a member of his cabal have stated that the American people really really like paying taxes and financing tons of pork because well golly, they voted for him.Forget the fact that he RAN on CUTTING TAXES. Yes. Because how the hell is he or ANY bullshitting nobody going to build unisex rest rooms in alla them there parks without TONS of extra cash...
That's okay, bunky. We needed someone like yourself to remind us just how totally frigged liberals can be.
"Ju Beeza No Good. Ju ha Maricone A-Spress?"
WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 4, 2008) — "The Senate Stimulus bill currently being considered contains about $104 billion in new government funding for construction projects with the goal of creating jobs for millions of unemployed Americans. Unlike the House version, there is no provision in the bill to bar illegal immigrants from getting these taxpayer-funded jobs. This could result in several hundred thousand illegal immigrants receiving jobs.
* The current version of the Senate Stimulus bill (The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) contains $104 billion in construction spending, including highways, schools, and public housing.
* Government estimates suggest this spending should create about 2 million new construction jobs.
* Consistent with other research, the Center Immigration Studies has previously estimated that 15 percent of construction workers are illegal immigrants.
* This means that about 300,000 of the construction jobs created by the Senate stimulus could go to illegal aliens (15 percent of 2 million).
The report goes on to add that 15% is a conservative estimate, something anyone with eyes can see for his or her self, particularly in the spanish speaking enclaves we used to call *States*. The stimulus bill becomes law, then guess what...
Many, many, MANY more of them cross the border. In a few years they've then become so entrenched that extricating them will be impossible, and by 2012 even exclusive 5 star restaurants, classy hotels, and most businesses even in friggin' Maine fer chrissake will be staffed by employees approaching you while asking...
(...See headline...)
PS: How soon before Rosetta Stone has the software to learn pigeon English?
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
So What ELSE Might Be On Obo's To-Do List...
"A 16-year-old German boy, who has wanted to be a girl since age 2, had a secret sex-change operation last month and may be the world's youngest to do so.
The operation that transformed Tim Petras into Kim Petras was paid for by Germany's government-supported health care system.
The surgery was authorized after psychologists confirmed that Kim Petras was "without doubt a girl in a boy's body."
He had been undergoing hormone therapy since age 12."
Yes indeed. Coming soon to a state near you...California or NY will lead the way, guaranteed...all sorts of "emergency" procedures funded by taxpayer monies. I do believe the Euro's refer to it as universal-scam-care, or some such rot. If Vegas can ask for millions for more neon signs and Austin wants your cash to build Frisbee golf courses, can weenie-chopping alternative lifestyle clinics be far behind?
Nancy Pelosi Says: "Every month, 500 million Americans lose their jobs..."
But wait...
Maybe she counted all 57 states...
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Affordable Fighting Knife...
...Thy name is Boker
And here's the Jim Wagner 3 7/8" Reality-Based Blade. From $58-$62 smackeroonies you'd be hard pressed to do much better. They come plain or serrated, in AUS8 or 440C.
Oh, and yeah; gladius-tips are da bomb. The shame of it all is that most knife makers are forced to keep their folder blades under 4" in order to comply with soccer-mom-driven mandates that only liberals would dare to call "laws".
"Digna y libre de armas"
Only in Kommifornia. Well not really, but Cali is usually the birthplace of all things anathema to the American way of life.
One of the latest affronts to Freedom is the leftcoast lunatic tizzy over firearms instruction in school.
Anyone believing that California is "savable" is an incurable romantic. Day by day it gets worse, not better, and I for one wouldn't give a rats ass were it not for the fact that such insanity can spread like wildfire.
It is sad, embarrassing, and downright criminal that California remains a state in the union. I would never think of telling anyone where to live, but then don't tell me that there's anything worth giving up one's heart, soul, and balls for.
And enough already with all this referring to California as a gun-rights-Alamo. The Alamo was a battle lost. Other men became so outraged that they banded together then went and killed the folks who stormed those walls. This is today. No one is coming for revenge. Why? There simply aren't enough heroes there to fight for. What, you'd ask us to give up our lives so that even more illegal aliens and alternate lifestylers might have a place to crash?
Besides; no leader worth his salt continues to suffer casualties once a battle is lost. To remain defending the same ground after the enemy has overrun it is an incredibly dumbass waste of lives and resources. And that's the bottom line. The left coast is lost. Comes a time when aiding and abetting the enemy simply because you happen to enjoy the weather isn't just counter-productive, it's downright traitorous.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Taking A Moment To Quietly Reflect On Superbowl Sunday
Lower corporate taxes so that businesses can hire more people.
Lower the peoples taxes so they can get more money circulating into the system.
One little page or so of instructions should begin to right the shipwreck that the Dems got us into but I guess these parasitic fuckweasels want their pets to be all fat and happy and even make lots more of 'em while they're at it.
But to end on a positive note, they'll screw things up so badly that the country will be ready for a return to SANITY by 2012 and we can send Barack back to the Senate where he can fuck with Ill-Annoy instead of the whole damned planet.
Now if you'll pardon me I've got to get a hold of my bookie before he closes shop.
Nice Puppy
Lisa and I watched several hours of the AKC dog show on Animal Planet last night, and it was hells-a-poppin for me to wait through literally hours of poodle-chihuahua-some-rat-thing making believe it's a dog until they got to the Working Group.
Propitious then for me to find this pic over at Cookies morning madhouse. Won't help a lick and we'll probably get a Corgi but oh well.
(I do so like my dogs as big as they come.)