Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Pile-On Against Fred Continues

The attack on Fred Thompson is continuing. Today I made the error of tuning in to Laura Ingraham, and she was raging on about how Fred should make up his mind. This is the same woman who a month back was chortling over those who were rushing to toss their names into the hat so early on in the process, but since one of her deities...Robert Novak...generated an essay uncomplimentary to Fred, Laura had no choice but to give a good whine of her own on the matter. This is interesting on many levels, chief of which is the conservative intelligentsia dissing Fred because he isn't giving them any juicy tidbits they can talk about and make some money from. It truly amazes me that this woman has any Conservative following at all because she is the quintessential RINO who plays it so safe its a wonder she doesn't broadcast from a hardened bunker.

When I'm on the road I do have a choice as to whom to listen to, but the selections are slim and none and slim left town so there are times when dialing in Ms Ingraham...unprofessional nasal screech and all...at first appears to be the lesser of mediocrities but not for all that long. She DOES get the big names and it's a lure of course because Rush pretty much flies solo and since I do not watch any cable news channel there is an interest in hearing what the hive mind has been buzzing about.

Say what you will about bumbling Boortz. The man shoots from the hip and doesn't have to check in with the RINO brass every time he wishes to offer an opinion. Once upon a time I really tried paying attention to Laura if for nothing else than to get a female perspective on the burning issues of the day, but one more reference to her "Little Girl" and I'll puke.

That's how she refers to her dog. Such treacle bounces off of my inner ear and I can all but feel the testosterone leaking from the hole such drivel has created. And I get the STRONG feeling she's a McCain fan. She's amazed that the man could have spent all that time in the Hanoi Hilton without breaking, and yep, it IS amazing but it doesn't mean a hill of beans with regards to the man's qualifications for the Presidency. He did good. He was, and should forever be commended. But he is not a Conservative Republican and will never get elected so move on, Laura.

Take your girlie crush with you by all means, but stop ragging on Fred because he isn't your John.

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