Thursday, March 30, 2006

Holding The Beaners At Bay...

So let's see now...

There's the Kennedy-McCain concept of SURRENDER AT ALL COSTS...


A Realistic Goal

This strategy of attrition is not a pipe dream, or the idle imaginings of a policy wonk. The central insight is that there is already significant churn in the illegal population, which can be used to speed the decline in overall numbers.

According to a 2003 report from the Immigration and Naturalization Service,1 thousands of people are subtracted from the illegal population each year. From 1995 to 1999, an average of 165,000 a year went back home on their own after residing here for at least a year; the same number got some kind of legal status, about 50,000 were deported, and 25,000 died, for a total of more than 400,000 people each year subtracted from the resident illegal population. The problem is that the average annual inflow of new illegal aliens over that same period was nearly 800,000, swamping the outflow and creating an average annual increase of close to 400,000.

A strategy of attrition would seek to reverse this relationship, so that the outflow from the illegal population is much larger than the number of new illegal settlers from abroad. This would be a measured approach to the problem, one that doesn't aspire to an immediate, magical solution to a long-brewing crisis, but also does not simply declare surrender, as the Bush and McCain/Kennedy amnesty proposals do.


Lemuel Calhoon said...

They hope that by repeating 11 MILLION over and over we will fail to notice that they didn’t all come here at the same time and we don’t have to move them out all at the same time.

Re: America predominantly Hispanic by 2050. Run the numbers without the expected growth in the Hispanic population due to illegal immigration and with the starting population reduced by the 10+ million that we could see gone over the next few years, if we really wanted to, and the demographic situation doesn’t look so bad.

Fits said...

Even referencing all of the possible silver linings...including, and I'll go to hell for saying this...the fact that hispanics are contracting AIDS and other deadly diseases a lot faster than most everyone else...even with all of that, I have little to no faith that this will get any better.

Lemuel Calhoon said...

It most likely will not. But that isn't because nothing CAN be done, only because nothing WILL be done.