Friday, October 27, 2006

Quick Shock II: And The Message Is Clear

Messenger Spotlight On Ohio

Another bastion of liberalism, where citizens recently snuck a concealed carry law past snoozing moonbats. Now, all of you liberals bear with me because I'm going to feature something called STATISTICS.

The Justice Department tells us, that on average close to 200,000 battered women successfully use guns to protect themselves each year.

Battered women move around a lot, but more times than not they remain in the same state. Family, and all that. To liberals, family is another incomprehensible word, but trust me on this one, lots of folks think it is important.

So these unfortunate girls and women of Ohio, thousands of them, remain in Ohio after escaping a violent husband, and in order to protect themselves, obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The violent husband searches high and low but to no avail. He cannot locate and teach the bitch a new lesson she'll never forget.

Enter the liberal media. You know, the one forever telling us that it is on the side of women. And children. Let's not forget the children, because oft times they suffer more than being made to bear witness, and are battered and killed as well.

BUT...the gals went and done a bad, bad, thing. They got a gun. Legally, no less. In Ohio, this means a license and a license means you are required to list your current address. So to punish them for transgressions against the liberal agenda, the Ohio media publishes the names and addresses of ALL concealed weapon licensees.

Having a hard time finding the bitch? Check with the media. Chances are, her or someone sharing her maiden name has obtained a concealed carry permit.

Other states allowed the media access to these addresses as well, but soon learned the terrible lesson and began shielding law abiding citizens from the ravages of the press. The same press that pushes the "Privacy Clause" of the Constitution down our throats but gleefully points an enraged spouse or boyfriend to the new home of a woman trying to forever escape his wrath.

Ohio liberals are really, really pissed about this concealed weapons deal. Get one, and they'll tell him where you live.

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