Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Foaming At The Mouth

The Apple, it's 70% liberal core at least, continues to become a' frenzied as it's once beloved Mayor inches closer to a run at the Oval Office. They loved the guy when he was in charge, absolutely adored him. He cleaned up the streets and made it safe for loons of all ages to frolic in the world's premier, somewhat English-speaking city, and when 9-11 hit, took charge as masterful as Grant at Richmond. He's pro-choice, and pro-gun-registration, so what about him makes the weepy-willies quake in their boots?

He sent criminals to jail. Regardless of their, gasp, ethnicity. His cops were under orders to be as color blind as Al Sharpton (who can't see white), and to except no excuses for breaking the law. Because of this, he wasn't the perfect Mayor, but he was as close as they were ever going to get until Bloomberg saw what worked and tried to emulate it.

Now they despise Rudi. They know he'd get tough on illegal imigration, and would protect Israel, things never on his radar while leader of the island-nation. Plans for 30 million mexicans voting the democrat ticket from top to bottom would disappear in a cloud of swarming federal agents, and who knows when such a coup might again be possible. Plans for a much-neutered Israel would also fall by the wayside, and what would happen to those poor, poor, Palestinians?

They loved him when he was powerless to enforce the laws of the land, and hate the very thought of him with his finger on the Beaner-Switch.

Revealed: Rudy's '08 battle plans

"It's clearly laid out in 140 pages of printed text, handwriting and spreadsheets: The top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani's bid for the White House.

The remarkably detailed dossier sets out the budgets, schedules and fund-raising plans that will underpin the former New York mayor's presidential campaign - as well as his aides' worries that personal and political baggage could scuttle his run.

At the center of his efforts: a massive fund-raising push to bring in at least $100 million this year, with a scramble for at least $25 million in the next three months alone.

The loss of the battle plan is a remarkable breach in the high-stakes game of presidential politics and a potentially disastrous blunder for Giuliani in the early stages of his campaign.

The document was obtained by the Daily News from a source sympathetic to one of Giuliani's rivals for the White House. The source said it was left behind in one of the cities Giuliani visited as he campaigned for dozens of Republican candidates in the weeks leading up to the November 2006 elections..."

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