Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sly Stallone Gets The Limbaugh Red-Carpet Treatment

Stallone has been a gun-grabber, true, and Limbaugh fancies himself as THE Conservatives Conservative, but I've been saying for years that our famous Conservative media brethren could care squat for the 2nd Amendment so this isn't anything unusual. Limbaugh has never asked the Governor of California...another old friend...why HE turned into an anti, Laura Ingraham doles out her definition of Conservative day after day and never mentions guns and slowly but surely began to swoon over grabber Mitt, Michael Savage has a man crush on gun-grabber Jerry Brown, and the hits just keep on comin'. Neal Boortz? Mention the word 'gun' and he gets to stuttering.

One simply cannot be considered sophisticated and remain a 2nd Amendment supporter, case closed, and the vast majority of people listening to the radio are women and even those calling themselves Conservative don't as a group like those icky, smelly bang-machines one little bit. So, to cater to the widest audience possible one talks about taxes, taxes, then some more taxes, because EVERYBODY hates taxes. Toss in an anti-abortion moment or two now and again and you're in like Flynn.

I guess the thing that irked me the most was Stallone complaining that the liberal media was down on him because "Rambo is a Republican", and he simply doesn't get it that you cannot have it both ways. To shed the Conservative Republican label he made an awful lot of gun-grabbing appearances, but his films at heart ARE about men who take care of business and thats about as far from a liberal as one can get. Unlike celebrity-sloberer Rush, I've known Stallone since he was 12 and can state unequivocally that he's as far from a liberal as a man can get, but because he wanted them to love him so very much he did some extraordinarily bad things. This doesn't excuse his behavior. I wouldn't shake his hand today if he offered it, and it would take a great deal of self control not to knock him on his ass. He betrayed his country and his flag and his friends by saying that "it (the 2nd Amendment) has to be stopped." Screw the self control. I would knock him on his ass.

Thanks to The War on Guns for the heads-up.

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