"About 1,400 police officers and 2,000 National Guard troops patrolled the streets to prevent a repeat of the lawlessness and chaos that followed Katrina.
Gun and ammo stores were doing brisk business among those who refused to leave and who weren't entirely convinced the cops and National Guardsmen could protect them.
Ray Hoffmann, 72, had his trusty shotgun by his side to protect himself and his wife, Margaret.
"I was born in 1935. I lived through a hurricane in 1947. I lived through Rita and then Katrina, and my house is over 100 years old, and there has never been any damage to it. The problems are when the looters come through," Hoffmann told The Post last night.
Joann Guidos, who owns Kajun's Pub in the Faubourg Marigny section, said that the worst part during Katrina wasn't the 12 inches of water on the bar floor, it was the looting. Now she has a knife, a pistol, a sniper's rifle and an assortment of other guns in her house next door to the bar.
"I haven't shot anybody yet, but if I have to, I will," she said. "You have a lot of real idiots in this city."
And grim-faced Tom Richard and Justin Workmon gripped assault weapons to protect against thieves, but refused to talk about what might happen.
Gustav - a Category 3 storm, with hurricane winds extending 70 miles from its center and tropical-storm-force winds as far as 220 miles - began lashing the Gulf Coast with rain and powerful gusts as it closed in on the Crescent City yesterday. Category 3 storms have winds between 111 mph and 130 mph."
Front page pictures of this story were highlighted by descriptions of those who chose to stay and defend, as vigilantes and "storm" troopers. Ha-ha.
Not. The Yellowstream media simply can't understand why anyone would do such a thing, as they've long since separated themselves from down home America and believe everything hollywood and liberal politicians say about real Americans. Forgetting or not paying much attention to the horror that was Katrina, when the Mayor and Governor sat back and watched as the police went on break-in sprees of places like Wal-Mart, where the obvious loot was there for the taking, then to car dealerships where literally hundreds of vehicles went missing, to Grandmother's homes where there might be a pretty old gun they could steal.
Nothing that wasn't bolted down remained unscathed unless they just didn't get around to it, so there isn't any wonder why Tom and Justin are "grim-faced". But this time around it seems that the ones who stayed behind are ready for even the heretofore, to them at least, unthinkable.
Cops and robbers fighting for the best spoils.
By the way, nice drum, Justin. And how about that good looking shotgun, and the Mac clone with the extended mag.
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