Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another In The Lineup Of Dynamic Duos...

Rev. Jackson Meets With Venezuela's Chavez

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Monday urged President Bush to strongly condemn a U.S. religious broadcaster's call to assassinate Venezuela's leftist president, saying Washington needs to cool down the rhetoric against this South American nation and major oil producer. The...

Doesn't quite deliver the sharp pain in the eye...you know, the one you get from snarfing ice cream...of Al & Cindy, but the Jesse & Hugo show is probably funnier. Two enormously egotistical commies stuffed like sausages in ill-fitting suits. Dunno who I'd put my money on were the two of them to go into full frontal con, but Jesse's bullshit spans many continents while Hugie must be content with being a beaner amongst beaners.

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