A great many pundits are kvetching about the various rulings associated with Judge Alito that would have had Solomon himself ready to whip out the old broadsword and cut them in half.
It is true that the women's movement is strongly opposed to spousal-consent in any way shape or form when it comes to, well pretty much anything, but are the first to cry foul when a man, who according to them should have nothing to say about a pregnancy or it's termination, says, well hell, I didn't want the kid, she told me she was on birth control and I ain't gonna give no financial support.
"My body, My total control. But, um, he should pay child support."
This whole notification deal and whether or not it is an "undue burden" is what has a lot of folks up in arms. If a man impregnates a woman without her consent, or is not married to her, or no longer living with her, most feel that said man should not have a voice in determining if the child is brought to term, or even be informed of said pregnancy.
BUT, if the child IS born, then the same man is hunted down if necessary and forced to pay child support. To a non-lawyer...thank you god...it does seem that as long as there is not a fear of retaliation in some form, if a man is held responsible for the pregnancy he should be at least told of the woman's wishes to terminate it.
Too fair? Some things are not fair and shouldn't be? People really AREN'T equal when it comes to certain matters? We should take each case on it's own merit and not throw a legal blanket over everyone because of their gender? Man are too dumb to ever understand?
And what does the Constitution have to say about this? The same thing the Constitution has to say about anything that was not specifically detailed ad nauseum 200 years back.
If enough people want something, they should petition their representatives to have this something made into law.
Nowhere does it say that a judge should decide the value or lack thereof pertaining to each and every new situation that arises as society's moral values deteriorate, strike that, change.
We desperately need judges of all rank to understand this, and the nomination of Alito proves that Bush's people DO. If Schumer or Kennedy or Biden or Pelosi or Feinstein or Turbin or Reid REALLY believe that something is the WILL of the people then why not put it to a vote? What in the sam hill are they afraid of? If they are right and the people believe they are right, then who cares what some lame ass judge thinks? The law is the law and make good laws so judges DON'T have much of a say at all.
Too complicated? You say that laws mean nothing to good people because good people don't need laws, and that laws mean nothing to bad people because they don't obey laws?
Well sure, this is all true. Laws are designed to have a frame of reference from which to punish the people caught breaking them. That's why it is so very important to have the punishment fit the crime, and to assure that the law in question is worthy enough to be called such if it is indeed broken. Back when most abortions were illegal, it was a crime to perform one, a crime to have one, and rather than have it legislated to be considered right or wrong the socialists sought remediation from the courts. The Supreme Court was happy to oblige and at the end of the day abortion was no longer a criminal act.
Nobody voted. Nobody wrote new laws. The judges decided for us.
And it's about time we took our rights back from the bench and into the voting booths where they belong. THAT'S what it's all about. Not that women or men or pygmies in equatorial New Guinea shouldn't do this or that, but that we the people should decide, and not Sandy or Joannie*.
*Joan Ruth Bader Ginsberg, for those unfamiliar with her real name.
PS: Sam Alito is also very 2nd Amendment friendly. What? You thought the Constitution is just about privacy and abortion and interstate commerce? Silly liberal. Sam pretty much wanted to know what the loons were talking about when they referred to any evil fiream as an assault this or that, and when they couldn't answer he saw through the bullshit.