Sunday, October 30, 2005

Read it and weep. Weep for sanity lost.

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

October 30, 2005 -- "Lawyers for the Port Authority were quick to blast Thursday's jury verdict — which held the PA 68 percent liable for the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 — as "obviously irrational."
Of course, that's what lawyers usually say when they lose a case.
In this instance, however, they're entirely right.
Actually, the notion that the terrorist band that exploded a truck bomb beneath the Twin Towers back in 1993 — killing six and injuring hundreds more — was only 32 percent responsible for the attack, as the jury decided, is positively mind-boggling.

After all, they rented the truck, built the bomb, drove it into the garage — and then exploded it."

Always remember that 9/11 was the SECOND attempt to take the towers down, and that after the first, William Jefferson Clinton did next to nothing to stop these murdering savages. And these same monsters are measuring Europe's response to the Madrid and London bombings the same way.

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