Monday, October 31, 2005

More On The Alito Nomination...

The Ankle Biters are ecstatic:

Ankle Biting Pundits

Alito It Is: Bush Hits His Mulligan 300 Yards In The Middle Of The FairwayPosted

by H-Bomb on Monday, 31 October 2005 (06:31:13) EST UPDATE: Reid, Shummer, Kennedy oppose Alito for being a white man. DEVELOPING ...So says the AP.

"I gotta admit. It's a ballsy move."

Over at National Review, the kids are dancing in the aisles...

The Corner on National Review Online

"ALITO POLITICS [Stanley Kurtz]This is a winning political move. Alito is at least as qualified as Roberts, and his Casey opinion will not sustain a convincing filibuster. The Democrats seem trapped here. Reid has warned the president not to nominate Alito. And despite the narrow and non-substantive character of Alito’s dissent in Casey, the Dems will be forced by their groups to make abortion the issue. So if there is no filibuster, this is going to come off as a huge victory for the president."

More to come as we sort out the responses. Not that Booger will post this anytime soon, but we're on the case nonetheless.

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