Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beaner Federales Discover One Helluva Magazine Cache

"Anahi Beltran Cabrera was seized during a routine patrol in Sonora state, near the U.S. border.

Officers recovered a vast cache of weapons including an anti-aircraft gun capable of firing 800 shots per minute, a number of rifles and an array of ammunition."

Sellier & Bellot ammo, two or three bolt actions, and a genuine machine gun a "vast-cache" do not make, but sweet moses on a pogo she had more mags than me.

Gives a guy something to aim for.

Wonder which U.S. gun shop sold her the old belt-fed? And if they have more lying around. Damn but it makes a fella wanna move to Texas or any of them other states where the shops sell full auto and "anti-aircraft" stuff like the Yellowstream Media has been telling us.

No word on whether or not the Federales also discovered a peekaboo-mask-cache, too. Maybe in a long hidden old supply of Zorro's. Yeah. Sounds about right.

(Sorry about the sucky formatting. Booger is off its feed again.)


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