Obama And The New Girl Agree...
NEW YORK (AP) -- "New York Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are calling for the repeal of federal policy requiring records of gun background checks be destroyed after 24 hours.
The Democratic lawmakers say the Tiahrt Amendment restricts police from using gun trace information.
They say such information is crucial to cracking down on illegal gun trafficking and reducing gun violence.
Schumer and Gillibrand are urging President Barack Obama to reinstate a 90-day retention period.
Obama has said he supports the repeal of the amendment."
Now, Obo and Chuckie are well known gun-grabbers so its no shock to see them wishing to do away with our unalienable rights, but wasn't Kirsten supposed to be on our side? You know, the chick that replaced Rodhams, the one with alla them long guns under her bed?
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