Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Do Jews Vote for Their Enemies?

American blacks vote Obama for the color of his skin. American Leftists vote O because they hope he will shaft this country more royally than anybody else has so far.

So what excuse do the Jews have? The black and the radical leftist vote O for reasons I can understand. Obama is black, even if his life experience has no relationship to the average American black person -- none at all. And Obama is a radical, so even the radicals have a reason. However, why does Obama keep his favorable standing with American Jews? It makes no sense.

With his favoritism for Muslims, by trying constantly to undermine the elected government of Israel and by constantly reaching out to a Hitler-wannabe in Iran, Obama has made it clear enough what side he's on. His friends Jodie Evans of Code Pink and Bill Ayers agitated for the Gaza flotilla that turned into a planned PR disaster for Israel. His administration supports the grotesque and shameful farce of Iran, the Sudan, and Libya sitting on the U.N. Human Rights Council. Those are genocidal, torturing, and utterly reactionary regimes. And that's just the start of Obama's bitter hatred of Israel and Western values. There's more coming -- you betcha.

American Jews are voting against their plain self-interest. They voted for someone who listened to J-Wright ranting against Jews and whites for twenty years. Wright is a race-hater, pure and simple, and he hates Whitey and the Jews. What's more, Michelle Obama is the daughter of a Chicago ward boss who grew up in that atmosphere, rife with Louis Farrakahn and the Black Muslims, J-Wright, and the ranting Father Pfleger. Michelle grew up with the Jesse Jackson family, and we know where Jesse stands. Put all that together, and you get classical Jew-hating. It's obvious to anybody who pays attention.

Obama's pal George Soros helped set up the phony front group J Street, which specializes in undermining Israel while claiming to defend it; it's classical Stalinist agitprop. Anybody could find that out. Granted that the media tried to cover it all up, but it's on the web, for goodness' sake. Use your fingers and it's right there. 
I can make up all kinds of imaginary reasons. Back in Europe it was the socialists and Soviets who ultimately did the most harm to the Nazis, so Eastern European Jews were drawn into that horrific maelstrom and chose the only side that wasn't systematically threatening and killing Jews. But that's historically one-sided. George Soros infamously grew up in Hungary selling the (stolen) furniture and art of the Jews who were marched to the concentration camp. Liberal Jews still admire the man..."
GUILT. All the old time religions teach it. Immerse you in it. You awake each morning and guiltily look in the mirror to see your guilty face, then guiltily tromp to the kitchen for your guilty breakfast. 
It is impossible for a Jew or a Roman Catholic to NOT feel guilty about pretty much everything. For as much as I despise Barack Obama I have to swim through all of this guilt when exposing the man for the monster he is. Jews and Catholics still use FEAR and GUILT as a manner in which to teach religion. None of this "praise Jesus who's gonna build that fence around me..." schtick.  Praise GOD who's gonna strike me dead because sweet Jesus did you see what he did to Moses's ass for nothing more than a slip or two?

FEAR and GUILT. Negroes were the last of humankind to be thought of as slaveworthy. God will send in the pestilence again should anyone be unkind to a black man.

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